Mr S1

Well-Known Member
Full Dinitrol protection. Not cheap, but cheaper than having to have it welded up and the associated costs of that....

Who else has had this done ?
Not many I wouldnt have thought they are all to tight:D and will have done it themselves me included.
I couldn't be done with the mess....I've got no way of heating the liquid up and my block paved driveway looks too nice to have covered in undersell. Rather pay someone else, get the job done properly by someone who does it for a living and not have to clear anything up.
ME. I got mine done at my local Land Rover dealership - they use Waxoyl and I suppose I've now opened up a discussion on what is the best solution to use, but I work for them as and when required so I got staff discount. Looks like a good job and like you I didn't want a load of mess as I'm renting a property at the moment awaiting the purchase of a suitable property.
Cheers for the reply chap :)

Not looking to start that debate, just interested to know who's had it done and what they thought. Either way Waxoyl or Dinitrol can only help preserve the car !
You don't need to heat Dinatrol , Its no where near as messy as Waxoyl but loads better.
P.S I did my own too
Waxoyl's 'orrible stuff to work with....only ever did it once, that was enough ! Never used Dinitrol but wasn't prepared to mess about !
The worst thing about normal chassis wax is working on the car months or even years later, the carp you get covered in is unreal!

Ps I forgot to say if you have a defender and a block paved driveway it wont stay clean for long:D
The worst thing about normal chassis wax is working on the car months or even years later, the carp you get covered in is unreal!

Ps I forgot to say if you have a defender and a block paved driveway it wont stay clean for long:D

Yes, I hate getting covered with dirty waxoyl. Very hard to get off a boiler suit.

Main reason I always paint the outside, use chassis wax on the inside.
Ps I forgot to say if you have a defender and a block paved driveway it wont stay clean for long:D

Oh I'm acutely aware of that already :mad: :mad: that' why I don't want any more f****** mess on there !! Got three drip trays under it already, but *should* be getting the two front leaks sorted very soon. The transfer 'box I accept leaks so have a long drip tray for that and it'll be staying !
Good drip trays are the seed tray from notcutts etc approx 4 feet by 18 inches 2/3 inches deep, fill with some sand etc if you have cats you will need to cover the top with chicken wire!
Exactly what I've got fella ! Cats aren't the problem, my bloody dog is ! Comes in with a sand beard more often than I'd like !
The worst thing about normal chassis wax is working on the car months or even years later, the carp you get covered in is unreal!

Ps I forgot to say if you have a defender and a block paved driveway it wont stay clean for long:D
Who treats the underside of their vehicle with Fish??
I thought there was something else that was supposed to be good but I codn't plaice it. Supposed to have a whale of a time putting it on too.

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