Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
Just bought a 1996 Discovery TDI. I am a 43 year old female, I have 9 years NCB. I tried to transfer my old insurance from my VW Transporter to this and they were quoting £500 for a year! asked her to check TPFT it was still over £400, I'd done a quote online prior to buying and it was coming up £221!

So I cancelled my old insurance. Just spent bloody ages on the phone to the ones with the £221 quote, and come up with the same problem I had before - I live in a mobile home, so they refuse to insure me. :fighting:

Now, long story short, when my marriage broke down, once the house was sold I bought my mobile home, for CASH! How many people at my age can say that? My place is called a mobile home, but it has been bricked in place since brand new in 1978! All insurance companies seem to regard me as a traveller. I don't sell heather. I don't travel around the country parking up illegally and wrecking the place. Where I live is neater than most estates, private or otherwise. The car park is covered by 24 hour CCTV.

Now, before I actually burst this vein in my neck, can someone please recommend an insurer that isn't gonna look down their nose at me? I'm a bloody hard working single woman who likes vehicles rather than just driving a sensible family car, but because I work hard and pay all my own bills, own my home and don't claim any benefits I'm penalised.

Just about ready to sell everything, live it up for a year then go claim benefits, get me a rented place that everyone else can pay for and I'll hang around smoking and drinking (which at the moment I can't afford to do, but they all seem to) and live off the state.

Rant over, please advise of a decent insurance company, and then carry on about your business!!!

Lotsa luv, Teena (yes, I know, the user name does kinda make it appear different, seemed funny at the time!) :D
Hi Teena,

As an insurance broker we work on behalf of 30+ underwriters, so if anyone can help it should hopefully be ourselves. I can't promise anything without taking your details but I will do my absolute best.

If you give me a PM with your name, postcode, and a telephone number I will give you a call to take some details.

Alternatively feel free to give us a call on 0800 121 7431, ask for the 4X4 dept. Make sure you tell them you are a member of LZ to qualify for the discount.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,

Don't call it a mobile home ffs..

It's a park home..

Makes all the difference

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Don't bother with Flux they cancelled my insurance after 1 month, because I lived in a caravan parked on someone's driveway and then told me that I wouldn't get a penny back despite having paid the policy in full less than a month earlier. Had to rant like hell and threaten to blacken their name on every forum Going. Before they changed their mind about the refund. :mad:
Got sorted, Jordan from Adrian Flux sorted the best offer out. Thanks very much :hippie: (was gonna be a thumbs up smilie but my eyes were going funny trying to search through them all!)
Hi Jordan, out of curiosity my Defender insurance is coming up for renewal, currently covered through yourselves, am I entitled to an LZ discount?

Hi Jordan, out of curiosity my Defender insurance is coming up for renewal, currently covered through yourselves, am I entitled to an LZ discount?


Hi KJ,

It's certainly worth speaking to renewals to make sure they are aware you are a LZ member. Have you notified us previously? For example when you first took a policy out with us, if you answered yes to being a member of an owners club, each renewal is inclusive of your membership discount. If you want to PM me your policy number, i'll make sure there's a big note on your file stating you are a LZ member anyway. :D

Hope this helps

Do a search for gwynn wood (or could be glynnwood) insurance, they came back with a quote of just over 350 fully comp with all my mods declared on my disco (38 with nearly 20 years of ncb) flux wanted nearly 500, even with various club memberships
I insured with Dave brewer and his modified 4x4 insurance

He quoted me £285 fully comp with mods..
Flux was £200 over that...
Hi KJ,

It's certainly worth speaking to renewals to make sure they are aware you are a LZ member. Have you notified us previously? For example when you first took a policy out with us, if you answered yes to being a member of an owners club, each renewal is inclusive of your membership discount. If you want to PM me your policy number, i'll make sure there's a big note on your file stating you are a LZ member anyway. :D

Hope this helps


Thanks Jordan, will they be sending a renewal out soon, I think it is up sometime in August.

At the time I hardly ever used LZ and did not know about the link, besides my old account here is dead in the water, so I only set this one up a few months ago.

But any discounts are welcome. Think I will call renewals up :)
Thanks Jordan, will they be sending a renewal out soon, I think it is up sometime in August.

At the time I hardly ever used LZ and did not know about the link, besides my old account here is dead in the water, so I only set this one up a few months ago.

But any discounts are welcome. Think I will call renewals up :)

You will get your renewal around 30 days before renewal. Either in the post, or via email (Which ever you chose at the time of taking the policy out.)

I would certainly give renewals a call to make sure they are aware of your membership, it's only a good thing that you are a member!

Best regards,

Just rung the renewals up, it was the 18th Aug and they were processing it.

So mentioned LandyZone, not that the chap recognised it, but I have just renewed in advance anyway.

What brought me to you in the first place was when I mentioned that I had a snorkel to any of the comparison sites all the regular insurers ran a mile

Ironic as Admiral had previously insured me but when I mentioned it at renewal they said they could not cover me as I may "Use it off road"

What part of "Land Rover Defender" didn't they understand before that !
KillaJoules, if you want to PM me your policy number I will double check that they have included the discount for you.

Glad to hear you decided to stay put for another year, as a modification specialist it's what we all love. You should (Within reason!) never hear that we can't cover a modification, most of us have background knowledge of modifications too, which helps. You also have the benefit that we cover green laning/off roading with our policies at no extra cost.

Cheers, Jordan

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