That doesn't sound very promising - although it still won't stop my missers from wanting one! I think she's sick of riding around in my ye olde defender with the knackered seats.
Think I had better keep my Misses, she loves ours.we have three cars and she has always said if we can only afford to keep one it will be the Defender.
Think I had better keep my Misses, she loves ours.we have three cars and she has always said if we can only afford to keep one it will be the Defender.
well, you never know - if I go to sell it, she might decide she'll miss it after all these year (although I reckon I'm going to have it for a while yet)
I think Corbyn might be slightly more popular than the Ejoke.....

( I did say slightly:D)

Welcome aboard - stick with your defender, none of this electronic rubbish to break:rolleyes:

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