There was a bloke in the states that continually got this sort of crap from West Africa, the old you've been chossen to handle $20m through your account and get 5% for the privilage, after a while he thought he'd have some fun with the people sending them out.
What he did was enter into a bit of banter with them, then he would asked them for security confirmation that he was dealing with the right people, to get this he asked them to send him a picture of themselves holding up a sheet of paper with various rude words on it, Richard Head, Cupid Stunt, etc, basically any word or phrase that wasn't easily recognised in the hosts country.
He complied a series of mug shots then posted them on the interweb for everyones ammusment and fun in times of boredom at work.
I t has to be said he's abviosly got too much time on his hands but a great way to have some fun at the scammers expense.
Too Tall

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