80 channels are legal only if you use the uk and not the midblock I've got a 600 channel midland 48plus but I don't use anything other than the uk 40's so I'm perfectly legal
Sorry, but you are both wrong. 80 channel rigs are perfectly legal as long as the 80 channels are the 40 channels allocated to 27/81 specifications (the older frequencies) AND the 40 channels allocated to the CEPT channels.

Rigs like the Maycom EM-27 (don't buy one with the orange display they are crap but green display models are ok) are capable of both bands as are some others.

Phil, you probably are not legal. If any of the frequencies your rig covers are allocated to the amateur radio bands, then you should hold an amateur radio licence to use this set, regardless of which frequencies you use it on. As should I for my Ranger 2510 which has been doctored to go places it shouldn't (erm I do have a licence, erm honest.) Same as the marine band set I use (rx only - NEVER to TX unless a life threatening situation.)
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My 2p's worth:

1. The cheap ****ty walkie talkies (licence-free, PMR, half watt) you can buy at Dixons etc are basically crap in terms of range, even the good ones.

2. If you want walkie-talkies then either get 4 watt CB handhelds (I highly recommend the aforementioned Intek H-520), or 5 watt handhelds such as the Mitex range from Maplin, which you need a licence for but it is only £75 for 5 years. However with any hand-held, if you don't have line-of-sight you are very limited in range. Vehicle to vehicle (faraday cage to faraday cage) even more so. A mile at best, unless you get external antennas.

3. If you want car-mounted, get something that does all the EU and UK channels, but more importantly, the antenna is all, when it comes to range. Central mounted on the roof is best and with an electrical earth, so mag-mounts are not as good (besides they won't stick to ali anyway :) If you don't want a hole in your roof, a gutter mount is a good bet but bizarrely, if you put it on the left you will have much higher range rightwards, and vice versa. The ground plane affects the range, a lot. If you have no ground plane in a given direction, you will have very limited range in that direction. You can do twin antennae but that gets complicated.

4. Don't believe the bollocks you read about having to have exactly 18 foot of co-ax to connect your aerial. It's bollocks.
Sorry, but you are both wrong. 80 channel rigs are perfectly legal as long as the 80 channels are the 40 channels allocated to 27/81 specifications (the older frequencies) AND the 40 channels allocated to the CEPT channels.

Rigs like the Maycom EM-27 (don't buy one with the orange display they are crap but green display models are ok) are capable of both bands as are some others.

Phil, you probably are not legal. If any of the frequencies your rig covers are allocated to the amateur radio bands, then you should hold an amateur radio licence to use this set, regardless of which frequencies you use it on. As should I for my Ranger 2510 which has been doctored to go places it shouldn't (erm I do have a licence, erm honest.) Same as the marine band set I use (rx only - NEVER to TX unless a life threatening situation.)

The midland looks normal in everyway so it's used as a normal rig so it's legal enough, yeah 80s are legal but use of eu channels in uk is prohibited...! Like that matters lol
Agree with the maycom comment the Amber backlit ones used batterys to hold the memory which leaked and corroded the boards also every one I had and sold had 'lazy lights' where it only showed halfpower.. The green backlit ones use a capacitor to hold memory and no feedback of lazy lights

Going onto the ariel idea I use a thunderpole mini stinger it's a tightly packed coil with a 15inch whip, it actually works better than a normal coil thru experience and yes as stated buy a swr meter, a high swr is the biggest and quickest killer of a rig
Ur local rigshop should, I'm gonna send mine in when I get spare cash should be bout 25/30 notes to mend
Local place doesn't want to know - it seems like the set looses transmit power after a short period of use :(.
Well ur local shops toss then, see if there's anywhere else close, I have 3 shops in a 20 mile radius of me tell em it needs a service and a tune up, where's ur location??
Well ur local shops toss then, see if there's anywhere else close, I have 3 shops in a 20 mile radius of me tell em it needs a service and a tune up, where's ur location??

Yu may well be right, but in fairness, they just said it would cost as much to fix as a new one. Basingstoke