
Active Member
...I don't want a massive aerial mounted to the roof of my 90.

Are there any inexpensive options available? Do walkie talkies/handheld devices work for example or am I better at just phoning him up on the mobile via bluetooth?

It's only for the odd trip/weekend Green Laning.

Hopefully this hasn't been posted before...I did a search, but nothing came up as specific as this...:boink:
Its a bugger trying to drive off road and talk whilst trying to operate a handheld tho :eek:.

Yeh... but you can get plug in mic's for them - and mount kits - so you can actually just install it as a normal CB...

Or as previously suggested just get a stubby aerial.

I keep meaning to get a little handheld for my winch bitch
If you are going to go the route of hand held radios then make sure you buy enough for everyone in the group. I have had occasions when one person could hear everyone else but not transmit n all sorts. Eventually we picked up a set of four with a couple mile range. We carry then even though we also have CB because they are useful in recovery situations where one driver or winch operator need to have a clear communication with a spotter.

If you do not want a big antenna on your roof then look at alternative antennas. Maybe a mag mount on one of the steel areas.
Thanks everyone, much appreciated.

I don't really know which way to play it, now you have given me all those options.

I like the idea of the hand held radio, although, sometimes some of the guys who we go out with have CB's, so my concern would be that we wouldn't pick them up. The other concern is that, sods law, the batteries go flat, just when I need it!

Hmmm, I think I need to do some more research before I hand my cash over.

Thinking out loud - I need it to match the following criteria:
> Easy to use
> 2 mile radius is more than adequate I reckon
> Can hand held radios be used in conjunction with proper CB's? i.e can you set them up on the same channels? (sorry if that's a daft question, which I'm guessing it is)
> One that can be charged up while driving via 12v socket

I reckon that's it for now...

Oh, any makes of radio to steer clear of?

Thanks again!
> Can hand held radios be used in conjunction with proper CB's? i.e can you set them up on the same channels? (sorry if that's a daft question, which I'm guessing it is)

A hand held CB works the same way as an in car CB - 40 channels, so yes, it would work in conjunction with them.


A walkie talkie however obviously will not - these will only work with other walkie talkies on the same frequency. ;)
I think the hand held radio's that one or two people have mentioned are the Binatone type which you can buy cheaply from Argos etc. They are ideal for vehicle to vehicle, or driver to winchman when laning. They won't be able to communicate with "proper" CB's.

On the other hand you can get a hand held CB radio that in itself won't have the range of a vehicle mounted unit although it can be mounted in the car and run off a roof mounted aerial so you get the full range, a little awkward to keep swapping over but the best of both worlds maybe?

My choice which I've used for years is a vehicle mounted radio, and when off road I screw on a 12 inch long "rubber duck" which is ideal short range and won't snag on tree's. When I'm back on the road I change to a base loaded 24 inch long aerial. I also carry a couple of hand held radio's in the glove box with a pack of Poundworld AA batteries.
I've just installed a CB in the 90 ... a Midland 98 (£55 from Amazon) and fitted a Thunderpole 1.65M antenna to the rear roof section just above the rear side window. You can get a Thunderpole half this size too. A SWR meter for a tenner off the bay and I think the whole lot (cable, connectors, etc) only cost about £90. Much better than walkie talkies IMO. :rolleyes:
been searching too for a cb radio, blinking loads though

found this on fleabay hope the link works says includes a 28 inch antenna.

alternatively here the number 300520006700


Same radio as mine but I prefer a permanent mount with an antenna you unscrew if you need to. Ignore the pre-tuned nonsense as it depends on where you're antenna is mounted etc. You will still need to SWR it in to make sure it's earthed and you're not going to blow the rig up with a reflected signal.
The rig is good quality and easy to use. :)
Except for the fact that the rig is not legal to use in the UK you'll be fine.

What rig aint legal?
Why aint it?
Since when?

If you are referring to the one in the link it is perfectly legal (assuming they have licenses of course, like we all do----NOT.)