For ABS removal you need to visit specialist ABS sensor removal company in Scotland !!!! LMAO !! Haha
For ABS removal you need to visit specialist ABS sensor removal company in Scotland !!!! LMAO !! Haha
Yes I am mad driving up to Yorkshire to remove wheel nut, but I had little choice - I was very very kindly offered the chance to borrow the Dynomec tool from Ratty, but after a call to Dynomec and they said there is a possibility the tool head could be damaged, the very last thing I wanted was to do was accept the generosity of another only for the tool to break, I would feel gutted (obviously I would pay to replace it - goes without saying) but I would feel so bad....

Better leave it to the experts I thought - if you read back through this thread - i tried a number of different tyre fitters, I tried joining the RAC and the AA but they didn't want to know, I tried an Air Chisel, an undersized socket, and Impact Wrench, a Windy Gun, a call to Land Rover etc etc.....

Dynomec are fecking brilliant, full stop!
At least it's sorted now mate
So all is good ;)

That tool does sound the bollocks though ! Quite expensive though lol
Had a 'welded in' ABS sensor on my old Ford Galaxy. Had to drill that one out as it wouldn't succumb to anything else.
This is the first time I have had issues too.....

Glad you got to the bottom of it, great info for many who may darken their doorstep with an L322 in the future.

In the unlikely event of the pro's failing, maybe it would have been worth considering some other big guns... The mobile spark erosion guys :eek: :)
Had a 'welded in' ABS sensor on my old Ford Galaxy. Had to drill that one out as it wouldn't succumb to anything else.
Cool, I will give drilling it out a try in a couple of days, as the weather is looking all to clever at the moment....

Luckily the internal wiring is still intact so no warnings - on the L322 if there is an issue with the ABS system, you also lose the Traction Control, Dynamic Stability, Enhanced Cornering Control, Emergency Brake Force Adjustment and the Air Suspension....

I just can't believe the previous owner/maintainer didn't use the gunk that comes with the sensor to fit it....

Will report back when I have finally got it out!
Glad you got to the bottom of it, great info for many who may darken their doorstep with an L322 in the future.

In the unlikely event of the pro's failing, maybe it would have been worth considering some other big guns... The mobile spark erosion guys :eek: :)

Spark erosion would of been a tad more expensive than a trip to castleford :D
Thank you for all your kind words...

Made it there and back 503 miles, no uneven braking as there was still 2-3mm of meat on the old pads, plus I drive like my Grandma so I don't tend to brake heavy or often anyway!!!

Took 5 hours to get there, left at 7.30pm and arrived just after 12.30am - into hotel for a well earned kip.

L322 on Gas averaged 17.1mpg all the way there @ 70mph on cruise control. M25, M1, M62 into Castlford.

Premier Inn double room for £44, plus breakfast at £8.95

Phoned Dynomec at 9am, I asked if they would be available around 9.30am - all good.

Spoke with their chap Steve, he explained the issue with the L322 Locking nuts, they use a hardened steel cover and he showed me how hard by getting one of my old lock nuts and trying to drill and air chisel into it, not a fecking mark...!!!

He pulled out there new L322 Tool that has been redesigned to deal with the hardened nut covers as they were finding their original design was failing after a few uses, so they have made the wall thicker, and have had them hardened using a specialist in Sheffield.

He placed the tool over the wheel locking nut, a few hefty hits with a large hickory handled hammer, attached the impact driver, a few futher deft thwacks, and the little beasty was off.

The tool uses a toughened cutting blade that, like a dot punch, on each hit of the hammer, drives the blade into the nut head and then with the impact driver, torques it off....fecking brilliant tool.

I wanted to get pictures or a vid of the process, but the whole job was done so quickly I didn't even have time to turn the camera on!!!

Literally 45 seconds and it was off, no damage to the Alloy, no sweat on the brow nothing....

They charge £20 for the first wheel nut and then £10 for each additional....I only had one to get off but handed him £30 for his time (as they don't usually work on Saturdays - but they made an exception - now THAT is customer service).

I then started the 4.5 hour journey home.....

In total it cost me £106 in fuel, £53 for the hotal and £30 to get the nut off, plus 10 hours of my time £189 ish, over 503 miles and 10 hours drivingfor one wheel nut!!!!

Yes Range Rover ownership is expensive, and yes it was an impulse purchase on the L322, but with luck all these little jobs will make it worth it in the end....

Next job is to remove the 'welded' in ABS sensor that has broken off in the hole as the previous owner didn't use any lube on fitment - I mean the lube comes with the fecking sensor for Pete's sake .....any tips??

Glad you got it sorted.:)

I swear by my Dynomec. I'll have to ask em how much the new L322 bit costs when I ring em next for new disposable tips.:cool:

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