
New Member
Our group are heading to South/mid Wales next week so I was wondered how it had been affected by the weather. We are staying in Sunnybridge at the top of Brecon and spending 2 days doing lanes in the area.

Is there much flooding?

Our group are heading to South/mid Wales next week so I was wondered how it had been affected by the weather. We are staying in Sunnybridge at the top of Brecon and spending 2 days doing lanes in the area.

Is there much flooding?


I'm not sure you are going to find much sun in Sennybridge but I don't think you will find much flooding either. Wet? Yes. Windy? Yes.
lol, just noticed the spelling mistake, wishful thinking I guess lol. Ok cool.

Geoff, yer i think so, managed to get it to fire this morning.
Mid Wales is just wet and windy at the minute. No serious floods yet. Rivers are high so watch out if you're crossing rivers.

Be careful in the valleys though on fields as the ground id sodden.

I was paddling the upper severn the other day and its well flooded around Welshpool.
its well flooded around Welshpool.

tell me about it!

took me 2 1/2 hours to get home from Shrewsbury on wednesday.

as for the lanes, mostly good just very wet and some will be flooded.

try took keep any wheel spinning and ground churning down to a minimum, when things are flooded like this the last thing the emergency services and farmers need is people turning up and trashing access roads ( read that as BOATS and ORPA to us), remember some of us have to live round here.

but aside from a little caution its bloody good fun at the mo
roads round abergavenny flooded the a4042 if i remember right, roads and lanes around area have been closed opened closed. heads of valley's and brynmawr had snow fri just a dusting. The south wales argus has reports on it most days mate.

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