
Well-Known Member
Well I'll be heading home from the Lake district tomorrow morning, but thought I'd stick a wee thread up about tut snur ont hills...

We had some bloody brilliant weather here this week, culminating in a fairly big dump of snow yesterday around lunchtime and it coincided nicely with a trip into ambleside (from near cockermouth).
The shat nav took us over some cracking hill roads and they were covered in snow and slush - we had over an hour and a half driving through it. The missus loved it which I'm a bit surprised about, but that's good...

No pictures I'm afraid as I was enjoying it too much, but wanted to share it. Tyres were awesome too - well worn Cooper STT Pro, 235/85's: I'm very impressed with them and will get some more when these die, but maybe 265's as long as they're as quiet on the road as these ones...
Ooh I do love Scotland - one of my favourite drives is the applecross road, though I've never done it in winter... probably should though as there would be less twats in motorhomes coming the other way..
Sounds smashing mate. Big fan of the lakes
Funny enough I've been to the lakes a coupe of times in summer and had a fairly strong hate for the place - tiny roads (and I live in the sticks in Somerset! ) crammed with moron tourists making it impossible to get around and lots of smug, irritating place names.
But fast forward to summer last year when I had to take a bunch of gold DofE students on expedition there and it was a different story, probably as we were in a slightly different area and with more mountain than tourist content..

The roads were still shite though as it was summer and even as a visitor myself do you like how Ive distanced myself from the grockles? :)
Still, winter hills with plenty of deserted hills makes me a lakes convert, though I might need to stick to them in the chilly months :)
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Funny enough I've been to the lakes a coupe of times in summer and had a fairly strong hate for the place - tiny roads (and I live in the sticks in Somerset! ) crammed with moron tourists making it impossible to get around and lots of smug, irritating place names.
But fast forward to summer last year when I had to take a bunch of gold DofE students on expedition there and it was a different story, probably as we were in a slightly different area and with more mountain than tourist content..

The roads were still shite though as it was summer and even as a visitor myself do you like how Ive distanced myself from the grockles? :)
Still, winter hills with plenty of deserted hills makes me a lakes convert, though I might need to stick to them in the chilly months :)

Winter makes everything better! And Somerset is lovely - out in the sticks.

Glad you had a good time mate

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