weather forecast this morning shows sleet and rain creeping up the Western side of the UK.
i got a nice central heated garage with a 90 and disco in it lol
the wifes yaris is out in the cold
VERY HEAVY frost here today, landy took two turns to get going. Supposed to have snow later today but still frosty and sunny at present - frost not melting in this area but other parts of town are lovely. I looked like I had come from another planet when I went for paper this morning - navy blue land covered in thick white frost whilst all other cars were dry and shiny :confused:
Snow here in Newport, South Wales, supposed to change to rain this evening, but the temperature is dropping fast, so I think it might keep coming.

My Rover 75 has snow socks, so I'm good to go, pity the wife's Freelander is in 2WD mode until I get the VCU reconditioned :D
tis snowing lightly here in central somerset....ground is still frozen butit must have got over zero sometime in the night and gone back down again.... one of our outside taps that was fozen yesterday started running sometime overnight and was free this morning .
It's snowing like mad on the M74..........shame I'm in the lorry and not the landy :(

Bugger all snow on Paignton where we are this weekend loadsa rain though, looks like the rest of the country is making a pig of itself with it though, maybe can catch up with snow tomorrow afternoon as we head back towards sunny Milton Keynes.
Smashing it down in Cotswolds. couple of inches so far. Just waiting for more before I jump in the Disco and go play.
Im the otherside of brum to nathan and theres about an inch here anorl. :D

Just got back from laning, started on the last but one lane.

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