20 mil of snow En western France


Off road and it is better... you just don't get much deep mud while on road... (err... usually) to see the difference.

Mud doesn't pack like snow either. Packed snow over a hard road surface and what you have, in effect, is a skating rink. Packed or dried mud over a hard road surface and what you have is a dustier road surface.

Also depends an awful lot on yer tyres.
Chunky treads, which bite into the packed snow and self-clean (don't fill up with snow and turn into slicks) make a big difference.
Studded tyres are best, but can't be used on tarmac!
Thanks for all the advice,cant wait to try to see how much better [or worse] it is, trouble is now its bloody raining.have to wait to next year.I remember the the winter of 57 2 foot of the stuff .

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