Mine were out & the ducks - snow was actually settling on them. Could hardly see them - they are all wight so makes life interesting when ur trying to get them in at night....
At least you get to play in the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'v had a face like a slapped arse all day cos my 90 is laid up wiv no feckin gear box.
Id be out playing in the snow but my 90s got c*ap wide road tyres on so I slide all over the place + i live on a hill
Most of the motors I've towed today were stuck because of the low front spoilers acting like shovels or the driver acting like a pillock.
Cant wait until 2moro when I'll be up good and early looking for more easy money.
I've already got two bookings from people I helped today. They have long driveways and too much cash. But I'm not complaining.
Most of the motors I've towed today were stuck because of the low front spoilers acting like shovels or the driver acting like a pillock.
Cant wait until 2moro when I'll be up good and early looking for more easy money.
I've already got two bookings from people I helped today. They have long driveways and too much cash. But I'm not complaining.
Nice little earner that!:D:D:D
Got some at last!





I can¨t believe that you guys call that snow. We had a max of 140 cm on the ground last winter and I had to use all 4 snow chains 52 times just to get to the end of my 1,5 kilometer driveway. That means mounting in the afternoon on the way home after work and removing with flashlights at 6:00 in the morning on the way to work / school. Its getting better though, my son is now old enough to set up the chains for me to put them on and can remove them all alone. We painted the center point and all hooks bright orange to assist and can now install the chains in about 7 minutes and remove in about 3.

If you want to test something in snow, come on over for a beer - we have the best in the world.............
I was talking about the beer - snow sucks. We live in the center of 'The Beer Triangle', the area between the cities of Plzen, Budweis and Munich. Without a question the best beer in the world. We still have hundreds of the 'micro breweries' - not the new fad - they have been around for hundreds of years. Still a couple of towns around in which they deliver beer daily with a team of horses.

The snow, this has been a bad snow year. We have had no more than 40 cm on the ground and it's now packed down to 25cm or so.
It's what a Defender's for... some of those 2x4 drivers are complete nutters. The only one I felt at all sorry for was a more mature woman in a Crossfire. Well actualy it was quite funny... not her but a Crossfire in the snow is like a chocolate teapot.
Is a crossfire one of them american jobbies? Would have felt sorry for her too. Cant imagine they r much good in this weather?
Perhaps a 4x2 then, but I thought that was wot you made houses out of... Yep Crossfire American 'sportscar' but you won't find it on Clarkson's board if you know what I mean.

Also, sometimes, 4x2 means rear wheel drive wheras 2x4 means front wheel drive.

At least the tills at halfords express it in this way.

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