
New Member
Granted its only an inch of snow in the Fylde but I couldn't wait to get in the LR. It was an experience doing (unintentially.......) four wheel powerslides in my Disco! And before anyone calls me anything derogitary (not spelt right I know) it was on a back lane well away from any other cars so the only person at risk was me! I think I had too much torque from my TD5! FANTASTIC!!!!!! :D
between 4 and 6 inches here this morning turned into side street on the way to work no cars parked so floored it left a nice snakey trail up street.Just wish id got up earlier
Its still snowing here (just!) so the mrs is taking the Disco tomorrow morning to take the daughter to her weekly ballet lesson (well she likes doing it so whilst she still does might as well) - it'll be different than driving her Ford Focus!!
Granted its only an inch of snow in the Fylde but I couldn't wait to get in the LR. It was an experience doing (unintentially.......) four wheel powerslides in my Disco! And before anyone calls me anything derogitary (not spelt right I know) it was on a back lane well away from any other cars so the only person at risk was me! I think I had too much torque from my TD5! FANTASTIC!!!!!! :D

get it on a carpark at 3 am nobody there at all and nothing to hit :D:D
Its still snowing here (just!) so the mrs is taking the Disco tomorrow morning to take the daughter to her weekly ballet lesson (well she likes doing it so whilst she still does might as well) - it'll be different than driving her Ford Focus!!

Far more fun than a ford fungus.
Hi Guys, Just to say it must be between 4/6 inchs in Liverpool now, been snowing since tea time here and it's great, already pulled 2 vans and cars up the hill into my housing estate.........I just love my Rangie lol:D

Think I'll start charging them now!! :p:rolleyes:
umpteen cars from a smart car to a big merc, one 7.5 tonner. I wanted a go at the artic waiting his turn, but cars kept sneaking past him then getting stuck, so he just stopped the engine and got his flask & butties out whilst watching the antics.
Just to let you know its 5" of snow here today (mid Fylde). Been out for a quick recce in the Disco and the main A roads are clear but the minor side roads and back lanes are un-touched - EXCELLENT!!!! Time to go into smug mode......ahem..............I mean go and see if there are any mere 2 whell drive Euro boxes that need towing out of the snow :D:D:D
Main roads pretty clear. East lancs is mainly one lane but clear. Side roads are very icy. No problems with the defender... can't say the same for the 2wders...

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