Thought everyone knew about the reversing/rear wiper operation. Makes you wonder why car manufacturers bother printing manuals.

Manuals are printed for women.
Most men are born with this knowledge in their DNA.

Women like to read manuals so they can tell you that you are doing it wrong.
Ah, how about LR's latest Freelander accessory...?



Explain why you know about that please spacemonkey.:)
Manuals are printed for women.
Most men think they are born with this knowledge in their DNA.

Women like to read manuals so they can tell you that you are doing it wrong.
Edited for accuracy, actually men who don't read the manual are usually too thick to understand the information:eek:
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Thanks for the tip. Our newly purchased Freelander 2002 has the snapped rear wiper and having taken the wheel off, I was sure until I read this post that I would have to take the carrier off.

Ended up taking the carrier off in the end as the wiper and spindle were locked solid. In addition with my fat hands I couldn't connect up the washer pipe with the carrier in place. It was dead easy to get the carrier off, the only pain was that as the high level brake light is still connected I had to enlist a grumpy assistant to hold the carrier whilst I did the replacements.

All good in the end although I decided to replace the rusted flange nuts with some stainless ones.

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