cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys

Aswell as stopping snow and water getting into the heater ducting does it help the heater to get any warmer as since doing the engine swap Def 200 to Disco 200 I have noticed the heater isn't getting as warm
I have ready to go on once the heater is reassembled and its just a plastic shroud, hopefully it'll keep the water out.
Yeah I was just out in it last night and used the heater for the first time since swapping the engine over and it was no where near as warm as it used to be, just wondered if a snow cowl would make a difference but sounds like it won't
Hi @cornish rattler

When you say snow cowl, just for clarification, you are talking about the cover that goes over the heater intake on the wing aren't you.

I have taken to also using the wading blanket to keep the draught out of the engine bay..

Yeah when we stripped the 90 to replace the chassis last year the sponge had been replaced with some pipe insulation which we re-used so yeah there is a chance it could have moved when fitting the wing back on
Im refurbishing a couple of heater boxes at the moment so I have some custom fit foam pads if you want me to post you some?
It's inaccurate and misleading slang for a genuine LR Not Quite As Colder.

Its a bit like a 'shower proof' jacket that doesn't even keep the rain out let alone if you wear it in the shower :mad:
My heater works good enough for the missus to ask me to turn the temperature DOWN a couple of days ago!:eek::cool:
Heater? What's a heater?
300tdi, tepid after 2 miles, warm after 3 miles, hot after 4 miles and leg cooked after 10 miles:D (4 degrees outside). Check your thermostat and air box for leaks but my heater is gert. I'm thinking of fitting something behind the seats to help to block the rear off to warm the cab up better
I have a 200 Disco in my 90, heater was poor, replaced thermostat and now nice and warm

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