Chains are great, but a real pita the fit in the snow on a hill with the winch stopping the car sliding back down the hill!
Getting down (and up) Wraxall Hill on the A37 in Somerset if it snows next week
Surely you can't be serious can you? You shouldn't need chains for that part of the world IMO. Some AT's, MT's, All Seasons ro winter tyres would be a better bet and should be more than capable.

There are some legal restrictions running chains in the UK. They will also work their best on icy surfaces or compacted snow. In fresh snow they might not offer as much traction as you'd think.
For what you want it's enough a good quality "liquid snow chain" (google that out), beside the grip they protect the tyres and road too... i've used such products many times and it really works, check the reviews and choose the best, from my own experience after i tried many brands the bees knees is "Weicon power grip"(not sure if it's available in UK), with this i went on icy road without probs, the second best is "Bullock snow grip" very good as well , there are many types though what ever you find steer clear of the one named "Catena liquida", that one is sh*T". The gist is that you have to wait at least 5 minutes after you sprayed it to take effect... i think those who say it doesnt work didnt use it properly or didnt use enough, i'll never use anything else myself( i dont have shares in them believe me)
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For what you want it's enough a good quality "liquid snow chain" (google that out), beside the grip they protect the tyres and road too... i've used such products many times and it really works, check the reviews and choose the best, from my own experience after i tried many brands the bees knees is "Weicon power grip"(not sure if it's available in UK), with this i went on icy road without probs, the second best is "Bullock snow grip" very good as well , there are many types though what ever you find steer clear of the one named "Catena liquida", that one is sh*T". The gist is that you have to wait at least 5 minutes after you sprayed it to take effect... i think those who say it doesnt work didnt use it properly or didnt use enough, i'll never use anything else myself( i dont have shares in them believe me)

Interesting. Wouldn't mind keeping a can of this in the vehicle just in case. I will be doing some further reading but from your own experience, what's the typical distance covered with a single application ? Tx
Interesting. Wouldn't mind keeping a can of this in the vehicle just in case. I will be doing some further reading but from your own experience, what's the typical distance covered with a single application ? Tx
That depends on many factors, it can be very variable, what i observed is that the colder it is outside the longer it lasts, in snow it lasts the most, less on ice, the clean road removes it fast, i can't tell you a typical distance but when i needed it to get me out of trouble it did it's job, i mean i've got stuck in snow and got out in no time after i applied it... important is to let it react after it was applied not start right away... i'd aproximate about 30-40 km in snow with one application
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