Only a few modules that the terrain response uses, lol

Also see the new Range Rover uses cameras / sensors , so it can work out what terrain ur driving on and adjusts things automatically
I'm surprised it doesn't adjust the seat and steering for you too

Funny u should say that, lol

U can have up to 3 x different memory settings , Which u adjust to each fob , so according to ur fob when u press the unlock button it will automatically adjust ur seats , steering column and mirrors
So, in short, ignore the French and just drive straight up the mountain while they're all pussing around with their chains :)
It's easier to make one rule for everyone.
Plus if you did get stuck, or crashed, you'd look a bit of a numpty when you said you didn't need chains
Funny u should say that, lol

U can have up to 3 x different memory settings , Which u adjust to each fob , so according to ur fob when u press the unlock button it will automatically adjust ur seats , steering column and mirrors
P38s do this ^^^ if fitted. And on the day it works :D

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