right i got the airbox this morning, now i have to fit it, where can i get the flexi ducting i keep seeing on deependers?
heating and air con folk might have some.. ave gort a short length of 100mm flexy stuff here
i need a couple of bits one to go from the fannymould to the 200tdi filterbox and the other to go from the filterbox to the 68mm pipe on the snorkel i think the filter outlets are 76mm
i'll have a look see when am next in shop and if yer still needing a bit i'll send it over.. but dint open it till xmas
a put a davie brown 996 oil bath filter throw the bonet when using on the road a have a mushrom and off road have a fixed stainless pipe and it works g8
Posted this a few times but thought I would do it again as it might be useful. I decided that using drainpipe firstly looked horrid but would not be very good if it got whacked by something, so decided to make my own. Didnt like the standard oil bath filter so that also got ditched.

So used an early Range Rover EFI airbox. I wanted it on the passenger side mainly because it is nearer to the carb and makes sense. Not quite sure why everyne seems to do it on the drivers side! Anyway, because I wanted it on the passenger side, I had to reverse the airflow of the RR airbox...so cut the ends off and swapped them round. Sits in there quite snug and still have access to change the air filter without messing about. I did not want to restrict visibility on the front screen, so used a side exit using the already-there hole in the wing but made it a bit bigger.


Bought a snorkel top from ebay for £10 and an elbow from somewhere for a few quid and the rest of the fixings and metal pipe were either found in the garden or fabricated. Its all available in scrap yards, so a metal snorkel, even with a pre-bought elbow and top shouldnt cost more than £30 to make at the most.

Anyway, I can confirm it works a treat...did lots of miles in sand and nothing got through...just helps being that bit higher up I think (as well as having everything sealed very tightly). Survived both a sandstorm that lasted about an hour and a half which stripped the paint off the landie as well as driving in sand with the bonnet being raised by 4 inches (overheating problem)


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