Just a thought re your web site, I've been looking through the different things your selling and for some of them like the bushes it isn't clear whether they are for a TD4, L or K series. Maybe sometime you could put in a little more info about the items, what the advantage of them is and what model they fit.
It might be really obvious to some but could be confusing for others.
Just a thought re your web site, I've been looking through the different things your selling and for some of them like the bushes it isn't clear whether they are for a TD4, L or K series. Maybe sometime you could put in a little more info about the items, what the advantage of them is and what model they fit.
It might be really obvious to some but could be confusing for others.

I know what you mean. There's a search thingy that narrows it down at the top. Everything is tagged with what it fits so if you put in what you've got it should only show things that fit!
In theory. Added a few bits today that need doing properly but you can only do half a job on a phone.
Ahh, yes now I see. I hadn't even noticed that drop down menu. It works well.
Eurocarparts better watch out. :p

Oh!, just spotted, the gear linkage bushes are showing for the 1.8 as well as the TD4. :eek:
Sold five kits over the weekend! Including yours. Out of 50mm ones again. Ordered a load more on Monday
Hi Diesel Do
Do you have an ETA for the next batch of 50mm lift kits?
Also could you advise postage cost to Canada?
(I'll be wanting one of your LR hats as well)
Look what Santa sent.

Two big eejits working at the Freelander with lollys in their gobs. :p

Thanks DD, very pleased.
Now I just need to find a Freelander to fit them too. :rolleyes:
They're OK for 50mm. Always check them at full droop and lock to be sure but so far there have been no issues at all
I picked up my lift kit at the post office today. That makes it 3 days from Nottingham to the Pacific Coast of Canada....By Post!
That must be a record! And...If I had been home when the postie came by yesterday I would have had it then. :eek:
Thanks Muddy Mods for the great service!

BTW: You need to come up with some snazzy Muddy Mods hippo stickers!

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