
New Member
Hi could someone please explain the uses for a snorkel?

My understanding is it allows the vehicle to enter deeper water?
My experience with water has had little trouble with air intake - more electrics!!! Is there any steps i could take to protect electrics for 4X4 Driving?

(new to offroad)


a snorkel lets you go into deeper water (if you have a diesel, you can go under as far as you want as long as the electrics dont get soaked) as far at the electrics, if its all in one box, one suggestion is you could get a tupperware and put it around the box so it seals off the water:rolleyes:
oh i see!

Mines a petrol, they dont like water at all!! :(

Prob not worth putting one on a petrol one!!

oh...in a petrol, itll stall as soon at the distributor gets wet, but you could always surround your whole engine in one giant tupperware container!
there is no use for a snorkel.. if you get deep enough to need one you'll need an aqua-lung aswell..you can keep water off yer dizzy by either removing fan belt before going into deep water and driving slow, with high revs or slabber the bugger in grease WARNING!! do not try this in a freelander!
You go swimming with them in the Mediteranian sea so you can have your face under water and breathe at the same time whilst looking at the fish and things.
by things i take it you mean all the turds that are floating about there.. sounds like a busmans holiday for wheresdildo747
erm ok thanks ! ! !:rolleyes:

it's just mine went through a tiny stream. about 2" deep. Ok I was going fast enough for the water to bend my number plate up off the bumper.

I have learnt alot!

*My Disco is NOT a boat.
*It will stop working if i drive it into the sea.
*Kicking it and swearing does not work everytime to start it.
*Some of the electrical "gremilins" will always be there. (i have a family of them living in it i think)
*Opening the door when going through water is a bad idea.
*putting my foot flat to the floor closing my eyes and shouting works most of the time for tricky situations

Thanks everyone :D :D :D
two inches deep and it bent yer number plate jeessssshh! boy how low is you wagon? are you sure its a landrover ? even them freelander things have more ground clearance than that
Yep the water goes straight up the front, number plate flimsy aluminuim thing and only fixed at top :)

Could i use food wrap to cover dizzy? has a pretty high heat tolerance. :D

What does everyone else do????????

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