As I was apparently a good boy last year Santa brought me a snorkel for the disco. I'm looking to fit it in the next week or two and I've assembled all the necessary tools and have come to the problem of sealant.

Research on LZ and elsewhere suggests 3 alternatives
1. Ordinary bathroom silicone sealent
2. RTV silicone sealant
3. Tiger seal or similar

As far as I can see, having never used it, tiger seal does a good job of gluing everything together as well as sealing potential air leaks, but conversely any attempt at dissasembly in the future is going to be a royal pain in the arse.

RTV sealant's advantages (again I've never used it) seem to be more to do with resistance to oil and high temperatures.

Which leaves ordinary silicone sealant, cheap and easily available but I don't know how well it lasts in an outdoor environment. Now I don't mind paying for the best option, as long as it is the best option.

So I ask the wise sages of LZ, what should I be using?
I used an adhesive sealant similar to Tiger Seal. It ain't _that_ hard to remove if you really need to, but it _does_ seal properly.
Tiger seal is very good, also they use something for sealing caravans which remains soft and very flexible
secaflex not sure on spelling but any Cvan shop about £12
I used high temperature silicone...didn't have anything else to hand. I don't think it really matters unless you will actually wade through water that deep, in which case it is very important
you need a good waterproof silicone/adhesive , ordinary will in time not stick, Tiger seal or a good eqiv, or else water will get in, then no point of a snorkel then!
I installed mine for less dusty air for desert driving. A garage did it and I found out hey didn't even deal it. Consequently I am Doug it myself and am just using gasket sealant. However from what I understand, if you are planning new on wading you need to do more than just add a snorkel and you need to move the breathers incase you were not aware. had it on there.

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