Cool Breeze

New Member
alryt my snorakal has just arrived and want to have it fitted before 3pm all going well was just wondering wen u take the vent off on the outside how do you disconnect the air intake in the inside to connect the snorkal up if ye get me cheers reply quick plz ! :)
knowing what make snorkel it is, what engine and a picture showing what's inside the vent would help

or shall be just have a random guess
It is one I bought off ebay and looks like a safari onebut isn't. The instructions say to remove the plastic ir intake from the inside but it doesn't look straight forward... its a defender 90 1989 fitted with the 200 TDI engine....... regards JC
It is one I bought off ebay and looks like a safari onebut isn't. The instructions say to remove the plastic ir intake from the inside but it doesn't look straight forward... its a defender 90 1989 fitted with the 200 TDI engine....... regards JC

if the air intake has been bodged to the vent it'll not be an easy fit - what can you see when you remove the vent ?

what's the ebay item number ?
bay number 260558137381 the problm is I can't see anything that secures the air intake as there is no room arounf it.... chers JC
bay number 260558137381 the problm is I can't see anything that secures the air intake as there is no room arounf it.... chers JC

post a picture showing what's there after you have taken the side vent off

normally the same fixings that keep the vent cover on are used to fix the snorkel base - after it's been sealed using the supplied gasket and goo

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