I am also an HGV driver, and god help anyone in a Rangey or a Beemer who tries to cut me up when I am in my FM12 pulling a 44 footer.
My horn is louder than yours, :lol:
I am also an HGV driver, and god help anyone in a Rangey or a Beemer who tries to cut me up when I am in my FM12 pulling a 44 footer.
My horn is louder than yours, :lol:

In my old truck I had my air horns in my front grill at drivers window height.:p

I haven't got around to fitting them to my new truck yet. It's on the things to do list.;)
Being a proud owner of a Freelander and a Range Rover I can unfortunately see both sides of cretinism of drivers.
When I drive the Freelander, the range rovers, BMW, Audi drivers of the world believe that they have the god given right to bully other drivers with the size of the vehicle especially the suit and white shirt drivers wearing sun glasses. BMW drivers in particular never wave when you let them past even if I have the right of way.

In the Range Rover I do notice that people are amazed if you wait for them and you do get waved at by X5, Range Rovers and other cars of that stature but you find the cheaper cars e.g the Astra, Clio, Focus brigade and particularly the women in small cars never wave when they would if I was in the Freelander.

Biggest annoyance is people in general not waving when you let them past. Drives me insane to the point I want to chase after them and …..aarrggghhhh….. calm down
If i get cnuts like that behind me i usually do a brake test. And if they got something to say or jump out the car i let mr sledgehammer do the customer service for me. They soon say sorry or realise they were a cnut.
Hey!! I'm an ex BMW driver and I don't meet the descriptions which many of you give for BMW drivers!

Only naughty thing I did was flash my headlights every time I drove past a Volvo in daylight just to warn them that they had their headlights on. Funny thing is that most Volvo's have headlights which are permanently on and can't be switched off. As a result, Volvo drivers tend to get very annoyed when people flash them because of it! But apart from that, I'm a nice driver!
Hey!! I'm an ex BMW driver and I don't meet the descriptions which many of you give for BMW drivers!

Only naughty thing I did was flash my headlights every time I drove past a Volvo in daylight just to warn them that they had their headlights on. Funny thing is that most Volvo's have headlights which are permanently on and can't be switched off. As a result, Volvo drivers tend to get very annoyed when people flash them because of it! But apart from that, I'm a nice driver!

They have their headlights on because its compulsory in scandinavia to have lights on all the time....it cut accidents by a third. Its actually one law i agree 100% with..and thats why most bikers ride with lights on too...can see them from far greater distances.
They have their headlights on because its compulsory in scandinavia to have lights on all the time....it cut accidents by a third. Its actually one law i agree 100% with..and thats why most bikers ride with lights on too...can see them from far greater distances.

Yeah I know that. But it's funny to wind people up from time to time. :D

And yeah, I agree. I think it should be compulsory to drive with lights on at all times. I did think about getting some daytime LEDs for my car (Like you see on some newer Audi's), but here, you can't do things like that without being labelled as a chav. :(
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They have their headlights on because its compulsory in scandinavia to have lights on all the time....it cut accidents by a third. Its actually one law i agree 100% with..and thats why most bikers ride with lights on too...can see them from far greater distances.

Whenever I'm driving I tend to have my lights on. Traffic coppers don't like it though cos they rekon that if everyone drove with their headlights on it would stop motorbikes being as noticeable agin. Ya just can't win.:rolleyes:
Whenever I'm driving I tend to have my lights on. Traffic coppers don't like it though cos they rekon that if everyone drove with their headlights on it would stop motorbikes being as noticeable agin. Ya just can't win.:rolleyes:

That's interesting! Have you been pulled over for it then?
Whenever I'm driving I tend to have my lights on. Traffic coppers don't like it though cos they rekon that if everyone drove with their headlights on it would stop motorbikes being as noticeable agin. Ya just can't win.:rolleyes:

Thats just a bonkers argument...EVERYONE is more visible..surely thats a good thing?

I really notice it when im in the uk...its madness that in heavy rain on motorways people dont have lights on because 'its not night'..crazy, it really is..

And some people believe it shortens their battery life (wrong)...well ok..i'm sure your family would rather the car battery has a long life rather than a family member!!
Don`t worry about it, it was just probably a posh ****er who does`nt know any better.

Twot! Twot! Twot.:D

If he really was 'posh', he would have offered to help. Judging by his reaction it would suggest that the RR driver was suffering from a real lack of class.

Even if he been suited up and didn't want to get dirty, I'm sure that the OP would have connected up the tow rope.

Karma says, treat others as you expect to be treated yourself. With that in mind OP, Id have offered to help / tow, even if I did have to ask you to connect the tow rope yourself.

I say **** him. He might have a slightly more expensive car than you, but he doesn't have as much class as you. It doesn't matter how much money you have, money can't buy class (see Jade Goody as a perfect example).
That's interesting! Have you been pulled over for it then?

Not eggzackly.

I aften attend accidents for/with the police and if there's a 'jam sandwich' (police bike) there I'm often asked by the rider why I have my headlights on during he day. When I explain about the fact that people find it hard to see a 30ft long truck with reflective striping all over it and in broad daylight I get the jargon about me having my headlights on detracts from people seeing motorbikes.

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