Dave Ellis

New Member
I recently got a 1986 ex military soft top 90 - so I'm hoping winter will stop soon! The handbrake had been getting worse and finally, the cable snapped. I had a quick look and realised it was a transmission brake like a Series 3 I had a long, long time ago.
The cable was actually 3 cables inside the single inner - is that normal?

Would be grateful for some advice on fitting a new cable.

First thing is does anyone know the cable part number?
Second thing is how is it fitted?
Lastly, should I take the brake apart and check it's OK? If so, how would I do that and what will I find inside?

Any information will be gratefully received
Cheers, Dave
Rear propshaft and handbrake drum off, that gives you access to that end of the cable, the other end is on the handbrake lever.
A dealer should be able to get the right cable against the chassis number.

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