Lazy Landy

New Member
Yesterday i snaped a manifold stud in the cylinder head on my V8, Ive tried every thing that i can thin of to get it out:

  • Stilsons (multiple sizes)
  • vice grips
  • drill chuck
  • Welding numorous amounts of nuts on
  • Chisel
  • Shouting at it
  • Running the engine to heat up the head
  • copious amounts of WD40
But it still wont budge, i still have about 5/16 sticking out, has any one got any last resort ideas before i have to resort to the last resort solution, removing the head and milling it out.
Don't bother getting it out, try one of the following
Cut it off flush and:-

Drill it tap a new thread in the old stud and screw in a piece of studding (This is what I did and it works fine)
if you are good with MIG? stick on a new bit of studding to the old stud.

Footprints are good at getting out stubbon bolts
O Bugger!
Always the way, it's never the easy access bolts that gives you grief.
Well it could be time to put a hole in the bulk head or it's a head off job.

Some times it's quicker to bite the preverbal bullet and un bolt the big bits rather than F**king trying to do it in in-situe.
Good luck
i agree. sometimes you just simply remove the item and do it on the bench. so much easier.
soak it in easit type fluid for a day then try footprint or stilsons. if youve got a decent bit to play with, footprints are just brilliant.
i would try everything before starting the drilling and tapping method.
Have you tried heeating the stud first with a blow torch? I alway use heat on stubborn bolts/nuts/studs etc with good results.
blow torches rarely give off enough heat for this sort of job. you would really need the proper oxy/acet jobby.
I finally got the job sorted after about 10 hours, What i ended up doing was to drill a large hole in my foot well and create a 12" long drill it. then just drill and tap it.

sorted now all i have to do now is to ajust the new exhaust so it will fit.

thanks for all your help guys!!!
Just for the record if any one ever does a search on how to undo knackered head studs. If you can weld a nut onto the remains of the stud Mig or gas even stick weld if your good at it, you can quite often unscrew the stud while every things still hot.
just for the record if any one ever does a search on how to read this fred on how to undo knackered studs. if you can read the original post if your good at it,you can quite often see the bit where the guy says he has welded numerous nuts on to it
you could saw a slit in the top and use an impact driver to get it out.. just a thought!! could work.
just for the record.
you can spend 10 hrs doing the cutting holes in the bulkhead/drilling/tapping method. or you can whip the head off and replace it in half the time.

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