
New Member
I've just bought a Tracker that uses a Sim Card. It cost £32. The idea seems good as you can locate your vehicle if it is stolen or set up perimeters so it alerts you if it goes outside your area or simply moves! All you need to do is keep the battery charged (it's supposed to last around 60hrs) and make sure the sim card is always topped up.

Down side, you can be tracked by your other half if she has the sim number, but there again I have nothing to hide, and I won't be giving her the number anyway. Lol.

Has anyone else used this type of product?

£27 for an all singing one on amazon.... and other half cant track unless added as an authorised number :)
m y friend used a item like this to track a business partner he thought was iffy turns out he was and using a item like above he could follow him :)
the one I linked is hardwired in... the internal battery is in case the toerags remove or cut the main battery wires... :)
Iv got the amazon style tracker fitted into my defender. It takes a while to find the right hiding place for the arial but once you have and the signal gets to work, the peace if mind is priceless.

Iv got a Vodafone pay as you go SIM card in it and as long as I txt it once a month it keeps on going and ten pound top up will last forever.

I drive mine everyday so I'm not sure if it would drain the battery, that said I am considering putting a split charge system in.

Consider if you need to tell your insurance company, some charge a higher rate for having a tracker fitted, simply because they may have to pay out to repair your trashed pride and joy if it's stolen and returned, some prefer not to find your Landy.

Iv had mine for years, I had it fitted to an old company truck to keep tabs on a dodgy employee, when I sold the company I kept the truck and when I treated myself to a ling awaited defender iv put it in that, just so I can keep an eye in it.

I can't consider not having a tracker.
I received the Tracker today and I must say it looks good! It came with 2 Lithium batteries which are quoted to last for 80 hours. It also comes with a water proof pouch and a number of charging connections. If I have to swap the battery once a week, its no bother, and the unit sends you a text when the battery gets low anyway.

There's quite a few functions on the unit that can be set up i.e. you can set a grid so if the vehicle goes out of a designated area it texts you, or if it speed above a certain speed, or if it moves at all. You can also activate a speaker so you could listen in to a conversation within the vehicle, all a bit cloak and dagger but worth the money if it works! Time will tell. At present I'm charging the batteries so I'll have a play with it tomorrow.

I received the Tracker today and I must say it looks good! It came with 2 Lithium batteries which are quoted to last for 80 hours. It also comes with a water proof pouch and a number of charging connections. If I have to swap the battery once a week, its no bother, and the unit sends you a text when the battery gets low anyway.

There's quite a few functions on the unit that can be set up i.e. you can set a grid so if the vehicle goes out of a designated area it texts you, or if it speed above a certain speed, or if it moves at all. You can also activate a speaker so you could listen in to a conversation within the vehicle, all a bit cloak and dagger but worth the money if it works! Time will tell. At present I'm charging the batteries so I'll have a play with it tomorrow.


And where would you hide it? how shock proof and water proof is it?
I'm sure Timtheenchanter fitted one of these a few months back - take a look at his thread it was pretty informative!
Bought the one off Amazon for £27, arrived 4 days later from China.
Took a couple of hours to wire it all in and it does all it says it does, for under £30 it's got to be worth it. There is a better one for under £40 that has a remote control and shock sensor + other bits & bobs.
£5:00 SIMM from Giff Gaff with 200 free texts so it costs next to nothing to run it. TS:)
Bought the one off Amazon for £27, arrived 4 days later from China.
Took a couple of hours to wire it all in and it does all it says it does, for under £30 it's got to be worth it. There is a better one for under £40 that has a remote control and shock sensor + other bits & bobs.
£5:00 SIMM from Giff Gaff with 200 free texts so it costs next to nothing to run it. TS:)

Agreed! :)

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