
New Member
got a series lll 2.25 diesel. a little concerned as i get plumes of bluish smoke on start up, slowing down and idling. does this mean the engines knackered? have i bought a lemon? also, should i have any concerns about the chassis. it looks alright to me, then again, i'm not a expert. any advice most welcome. apart from that, everytime i look at my landy i get a certain chuffed to bits feeling. cheers
These are smokey engines, especially when cold but if its excessive you could be looking something as simple as valve stem oil seals leaking or worst case at worn/or broken piston rings. not a major job to do if you get a haynes manual. These are usually a good strong engine so i wouldn't worry too much
One of the best ways to check the chassis iv'e found is get underneath with a screwdriver and have a good hard poke around. If it goes through, tadaa, you have a patch needed. but hopefully you should be ok and it'll be solid as a rock :)
cheers fellas, advice much appreciated. taking the landy to a mechanic next wednesday. hes going to give it the once over. hopefully it will be ready for an excursion up the a5 to north wales the following weekend.

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