
New Member
Hi can any one give me some idea of what i have done wrong,
I have just bought a disco 4.0l v8 with lpg kit that smokes, pressure tested engine and had 130ps per cylinder and with a drop of oil in each 150ps. So i striped it as i removed the heads i saw that there were 5 valve stem oil seals off, "bingo" checked heads replaced all valve seals
, new head gasket, valley gasket etc etc. finally fired it up and o it still smokes, on tickover no smoke, rev it up and it smokes them clears, hold reves up then blip it and it poores white smoke, it has a oil smell only faint but when you keep fliping the throttle you can-not see behind, also when i striped it i filled the bores with derv and they all held up with no loss, sorry long winded but other than a complete rebuild what else can i try. thanks rupert.:mad:
all stem seals changed and pushed on firm dont know where the breather are on v8 norm play with 300tdi and td5 if i remove the filler cap there is no pressure there at all if i pull the rocker cover pipe to inlet man no change it also runs as sweet as a nut and boy does it go ? thanks
Hi all I have now flushed the engine blocked off the brake servo and dis-connected the down pipes to prove the cats are not blocked/full of oil. And still it smokes but the confusing bit is that i was expecting one bank to be the cause, its both banks of cylinders smoking ????
if there were any derv traces left behind this will cause it to pour out white smoke, how long have you run it since the rebuild?

If the valve stem seals were blown it does suggest excessive crankcase pressure but then it seems you dont have a problem with the oil cap removed??

not overly familiar with the 4.0ltr but does it use cylinder liners?

Are you losing any water? the only real causes of white smoke are water or the DERV you put in to test, burning oil is far more obvious

However from past experience with V8 3.5 and 3.9 engines I would say 130 is a bare minimum reading (i would have liked to see 160 ish) and adding oil to a v8 isnt always perfect as the pistons are at an angle not vertical, but the 20 psi jump suggests your rings are getting close to the end of their life but not to the extent that you cant see behind??

Cheers Steve
just a thought are you sure the previous owner didnt upset anyone and they poured diesel in or accidentally filled it with a few litres before realising, real outside chance but i did it many many years ago (in a morris marina LOL so that shows how long ago) and it spewed out a total smokescreen until I had refilled and run plenty of good fuel through

Cheers Steve
Thanks for reply since i bought it i have run about 3 galons of fuel through it but it has a tiny fuel tank as lpg tanks under, so fuel pritty much replaced, i fit oil boilers for a living a i put my gas analizer in exaust readings of over 5000 ppm (co2) no o2 dont know if this points to any thing, i have a friend coming over t mor who worked in a main landy dealer ship hope he will shed some more light on it. thanks rupert
Hi have today ordered a new short block as no one can quite put there finger on the problem. We have narrowed it down to oil in the bores, and yes have checked liners, oil wiper rings etc.

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