
Hi to All........
My first post - I just swapped my old but reliable Hilux (am I mad ?)for a 2005 Freelander TD4 and the fun's started already.
I'm pretty used to fixing old Brit bikes and cars and so I'm not too daunted by venturing into 'Land Rover' land. Having read all the do's and don'ts before leaping in I picked up a 2005 car with 59,000 on the clock, one owner and FSH. So far so good !
As the crankcase breather had never been done and there was some evidence of oil blown from the dipstick I decided to swap the PCV for the modified BMW unit and also bypass the EGR valve at the same time. The car was running OK if a bit sluggish beforehand.
Once I got all the inlet manifold off, it was pretty clear that there was a lot of gook in there, so I cleaned it all out with parafin and a pressure washer having first taken out the turbo pressure sensor.
I also cleaned out the pipes before the EGR valve as there was a lot of oil in there too. The air temperature sensor was covered in oil so I carefully cleaned it off by just spraying it with WD40.
I then had to drop a good litre of oil from the crankcase as the previous owner had overfilled it, which must have added to the blow out of oil.
I was expecting some good results after all my efforts.......
Instead the car is now running very lumpy over 2000 rpm and kicking out loads of smoke (before the work it was OK).
It seems to me like it's overfueling, maybe due to the air temp sensor konking out. Would WD40 alone do this to it ? or am I barking up the wrong tree.

I'd be very grateful for any suggestions other than don't let the Hilux go just yet !


Hi and welcome, My guess is that the WD40 has coated the sensor and rendered it 'not very sensitive' if you get my drift. WD40 is great stuff but sometimes it doesn't fit the bill. Get yourself some electrical contact cleaner which cleans and then evaporates. Maplin usually have some at reasonable price.D..
If the PCV was blocked, added to excessive oil level in the sump, this could cause unburnt oil to gather in the exhaust system. This oil is not going to be burnt off with a short journey.
When I recently had my injector overfuelling/leaking problem, my exhaust system was saturated with unburnt diesel took around 15 miles of continuous driving before the smoking stopped.
If the oil seals on the valve stems are worn, engine oil will seep past when the engine is stopped and leak into the cylinders...this will cause smoke at start up for a brief time but will quickly clear.
Another possibility is worn piston rings-do a compression test to confirm. If compression increases if a shot of engine oil is put into each cylinder, this can indicate worn rings.
Maybe the injectors are leaking/overfuelling ??- you could get them checked for around £10 a google search.
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Thanks for your ideas. Cleaned the sensor off with Switch Cleaner, tightened the hoses a bit more and then took it for a decent blast up the motorway. I think you were right about a build up of oil in the system, as after a few miles the smoking stopped and it's running sweet as a nut now (famous last words ! ).

Amazing what a difference swapping the crankcase breather and egr makes !

Cheers to all,


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