Hi Guys..yet another problem with my Range Rover p38, If I reverse on left hand lock I often get a hard thump and can be felt through the stearing stearing wheel and the car jolts substantialy...at first I thought I had hit something it was that bad..yesterday I drove abut 10 miles along the motorway and after a while I could feel a vibration(like an unballanced wheel vibration) when I arrived at my destination there was smoke pouring out of the drivers side wheel and stank like burning oil or carbon. the car does not pull to one side at all at speed, I have been told it may be the brake sticking but I would have thought that would make the car vear to the right? Am I rioght in thinking it could be a wheel bearing on it's way out?
I'd take off the wheel and check to make sure the bolts holding on the caliper are still there.
I havent got the wheel off yet but the calliper seems to be firmly in place, and the disc from where I can see it is silver.
The first part of your symptoms, reversing on full lock and getting thumps, is indicative of a seized VCU and possibly broken front differential. If you do a search for those two problems you'll find plenty of discussion.
I have been told it may be the brake sticking but I would have thought that would make the car vear to the right?

Not necessarily.

Am I rioght in thinking it could be a wheel bearing on it's way out?

Sounds like it to me - the smell of burning brake pads is quite a distinctive acrid smell, whereas I could envisage a partially seized bearing giving you the symptoms you describe.

I've jacked the car up and nothing seems to be loose, there is play in the wheel about 3 inch movement either way when i try to turn the wheel...but there is friction so i'm guessing thats the calliper sticking...but OMFG Rasheed did you have to use proffanities like VCU's...had a Freelander before this Range Rover and replaced the viscous unit THREE times...|I aint going through that nightmare again!!!

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