
New Member
Ok, so I've the MOT booked for tomorrow at 2pm. Spent the last couple of days getting the old Discovery back up together (well, the best it's gonna get anyway), but here's my problem:

It smokes big time! I've tried Diesel treatment and using Millers Power Plus every time I fuel up but she still smokes.

Anybody got any quick fix ideas? (apart from leaving a £20 note stuck to the side of the engine that is!)
Ok, so I've the MOT booked for tomorrow at 2pm. Spent the last couple of days getting the old Discovery back up together (well, the best it's gonna get anyway), but here's my problem:

It smokes big time! I've tried Diesel treatment and using Millers Power Plus every time I fuel up but she still smokes.

Anybody got any quick fix ideas? (apart from leaving a £20 note stuck to the side of the engine that is!)

What colour smoke you getting?

Have you done the EGR valve, changed filters etc???

I always take any diesel for a good run before the test holding it the 3rd or 4th gear at high revs to blow any crap out.

Good Luck!
Smoke dies down a bit after a run but not much.

Black smoke.

Thanks Slob but not that kind of smoke!

Gonna get a new filter whilst out on the road tomorrow (lorry driver), then change the filter before taking up the motorway for a quick blast!
Get the fuel VERY low in the tank, and stuff in 20 to 40 litres of real good quality 100% neat BIODIESEL.

(You can make this yourself.
But you need chemicals ....)

No kidding ..... pollution problems gone, and no harm to anything.

Smoke dies down a bit after a run but not much.

Black smoke.

Thanks Slob but not that kind of smoke!

Gonna get a new filter whilst out on the road tomorrow (lorry driver), then change the filter before taking up the motorway for a quick blast!

Deffo put a new fuel filter !!!

have you had the intercooler up graded !!!

if so has somebody been messing about with the fuel mixes !!

to me id be worried if it was blue rather than black.

blue is a ****ed up turbo

black is over fuelling !!
Ok, so I've the MOT booked for tomorrow at 2pm. Spent the last couple of days getting the old Discovery back up together (well, the best it's gonna get anyway), but here's my problem:

It smokes big time! I've tried Diesel treatment and using Millers Power Plus every time I fuel up but she still smokes.

Anybody got any quick fix ideas? (apart from leaving a £20 note stuck to the side of the engine that is!)

How d'you get on fishface with the old m.O.t? Pass or not?

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