Evening all, long time coming this post but ive been working my way through along list of trying to eliminate the lumpy/smoking symptoms you both had at 2000 rpm. Lastly I decided to stump up the cash and get the injectors reconditioned thinking that they were the root cause. After a nightmare getting them out as 2 were seized solid and i had to fabricate a puller, all 4 were found to be well out of Spec and have been refurbished by bosch. Great I thought all fixed, well no unfortunately it still does the same and then I found this thread. I'd already ruled out the boost control solenoid after replacing a vacuum hose and testing the vuccum pump. I can see the turbo actuator arm physically moving in and out in relation to the throttle being depressed whilst stationery but I'm wondering if I overlooked something as this was such a sure fire fix for you both. Do the solenoids act differently under load, had your solenoids packed up completely?
Thanks in advance
The symptoms improved but never went away completely. I find it performs much better on premium fuel or with some additive like Millers power. I haven't had the injectors done but probably should. It's done 115k now.
The symptoms improved but never went away completely. I find it performs much better on premium fuel or with some additive like Millers power. I haven't had the injectors done but probably should. It's done 115k now.

Cheers for coming back, it's something I shall have to live with I guess till ird or crank gives up as tired of chasing it now. As far as the injectors go I would leave well alone till you start getting startin issues as it was a bitch getting 2 of mine out and then have to re cut the seats to get a good seal. Mine was starting fine but after doing a leak back test took the plunge as thought it was only thing left that was causing the lumpyness around 2000rpm. It does run on the whole better but not £500 better, i can still feel a stutter if doing 30mph in 4th.
Hi I have the same problem iav replaced the injectors upgraded the injector rail and fuel pump but still overfueling did you ever fix this issue thanks

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