Our 96 Td4 has been a stinking vehicle for a few years, getting worse through time.
I changed the turbo, filters, used top-range fuel, added Injector cleaning additives, etc. And all to no avail. Geez!
My wife wouldn't let me open any windows, including the split sunroof as it allowed the stink to enter.
Our exhaust pipe wasn't oily, but the smell suggested burned oil, with occasional clouds of blue smoke.
I did lots to try & solve this problem. Until ... I had a dream. Honestly!
I dreamt the crankcase filter was faulty & the crankcase pressure forced oil into the air-inlet system.

And guess what? The Crankcase filter diaphragm outlet was blocked. It was a manufactured error. It was solid plastic. I drilled it (4mm) and it's cured. Phew.
No nasty smells & our Freelander drives all the better. At last.
Hey, I've tried to edit my report, adding a few essentials but I'm new to this Forum & don't know how to. My repair/Mod has worked & my wife has now opened the windows. And that ... says it all.

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