Mark Solesbury

I'd like to investigate the smokeyness of my 90 after the ditch incedent.

It somkes quite a bit of rank white smoke when you first start it up.
When the engine is warm its fine. When it does 1st start it runs a tad
rough. It sounds like my v8 when the dizzy is wet, missing a bit. (that
means that the engine is misfiring, not that there is a bit of it
missing! ;) ) once it has warmed up a bit (once round the block) its fine.

What do you recon is causing it? Ive been putting some of that fuel
additive ****e in it for the last few tanks, but it seems to have done
cock all.

Its done a fair few miles since the roll, some motorway, prolly getting
on for near 1000 so i though that it would burnt any oil away by now.

Any ideas?

1990 90 200tdi - Smoking now its cold... :(
1987 RR V8 EFI - Sorn'd but sounding great

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Mark Solesbury wrote:
> I'd like to investigate the smokeyness of my 90 after the ditch
> incedent.
> It somkes quite a bit of rank white smoke when you first start it up.
> When the engine is warm its fine. When it does 1st start it runs a
> tad rough. It sounds like my v8 when the dizzy is wet, missing a
> bit. (that means that the engine is misfiring, not that there is a
> bit of it missing! ;) ) once it has warmed up a bit (once round the
> block) its fine.
> What do you recon is causing it? Ive been putting some of that fuel
> additive ****e in it for the last few tanks, but it seems to have
> done cock all.
> Its done a fair few miles since the roll, some motorway, prolly
> getting on for near 1000 so i though that it would burnt any oil
> away by now.
> Any ideas?

Is it a turbo or NAD?



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover 101 GS/Ambi (Morph)
Honda XL650 Transalp (2005)

On 09/11/2006 18:32, Nige wrote:
> Mark Solesbury wrote:
>> I'd like to investigate the smokeyness of my 90 after the ditch
>> incedent.
>> It somkes quite a bit of rank white smoke when you first start it up.
>> When the engine is warm its fine. When it does 1st start it runs a
>> tad rough. It sounds like my v8 when the dizzy is wet, missing a
>> bit. (that means that the engine is misfiring, not that there is a
>> bit of it missing! ;) ) once it has warmed up a bit (once round the
>> block) its fine.
>> What do you recon is causing it? Ive been putting some of that fuel
>> additive ****e in it for the last few tanks, but it seems to have
>> done cock all.
>> Its done a fair few miles since the roll, some motorway, prolly
>> getting on for near 1000 so i though that it would burnt any oil
>> away by now.
>> Any ideas?

> Is it a turbo or NAD?

Well done Nige, 200tdi.

1990 90 200tdi - Smoking now its cold... :(
1987 RR V8 EFI - Sorn'd but sounding great

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Mark Solesbury wrote:

> I'd like to investigate the smokeyness of my 90 after the ditch incedent.
> It somkes quite a bit of rank white smoke when you first start it up.
> When the engine is warm its fine. When it does 1st start it runs a tad
> rough. It sounds like my v8 when the dizzy is wet, missing a bit. (that
> means that the engine is misfiring, not that there is a bit of it
> missing! ;) ) once it has warmed up a bit (once round the block) its fine.
> What do you recon is causing it? Ive been putting some of that fuel
> additive ****e in it for the last few tanks, but it seems to have done
> cock all.
> Its done a fair few miles since the roll, some motorway, prolly getting
> on for near 1000 so i though that it would burnt any oil away by now.
> Any ideas?

White smoke on startup is usually unburnt diesel. Does it smell of
diesel? Blue smoke - burning oil - has a very different and
distinctive smell.

You could have one or two heater plugs out resulting in unburnt fuel
for a short while on the affected cylinder(s).

I'd keep off any fuel additives. They certainly won't aid diagnosis.
On 09/11/2006 18:58, Dougal wrote:

> You could have one or two heater plugs out resulting in unburnt fuel for
> a short while on the affected cylinder(s).
> I'd keep off any fuel additives. They certainly won't aid diagnosis.

Could well be.. Whats the best way to tell if they are working then? Or
is it best to replace all 4.

1990 90 200tdi - Smoking now its cold... :(
1987 RR V8 EFI - Sorn'd but sounding great

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Mark Solesbury <mark_solesbury@tiscaliIWONDERIFTHISWORKS.co.uk> uttered
summat worrerz funny about:
> On 09/11/2006 18:58, Dougal wrote:
>> You could have one or two heater plugs out resulting in unburnt fuel
>> for a short while on the affected cylinder(s).
>> I'd keep off any fuel additives. They certainly won't aid diagnosis.

> Could well be.. Whats the best way to tell if they are working then?
> Or is it best to replace all 4.

Check if the ends are hot when the relay goes off? though I don't know how
hot they get so mind yer fingers don't stick to them.

Other thing is to check for continuity to earth but this would mean unwiring
them all.

Though my recollection was that the 200 tdi rarely needed any heating.

Other thing that crosses my mind is air being drawn in to the system ,
perphas a pin holed pipe or pickup. I seem to recall similar symptoms on our
rangie... once the air had been drawn out of the pipe the engine ran fine,
because it was only a pin hole it didn't empty the whole pipe... also used
to make a difference which way I parked it.. i.e. upbank or downbank as one
way didn't draw air in and one did... note we are talking pin hole
perforation here not full on hole.

Lee D

Mark Solesbury wrote:
> On 09/11/2006 18:32, Nige wrote:
>> Mark Solesbury wrote:
>>> I'd like to investigate the smokeyness of my 90 after the ditch
>>> incedent.
>>> It somkes quite a bit of rank white smoke when you first start it
>>> up. When the engine is warm its fine. When it does 1st start it
>>> runs a tad rough. It sounds like my v8 when the dizzy is wet,
>>> missing a bit. (that means that the engine is misfiring, not that
>>> there is a bit of it missing! ;) ) once it has warmed up a bit
>>> (once round the block) its fine.
>>> What do you recon is causing it? Ive been putting some of that fuel
>>> additive ****e in it for the last few tanks, but it seems to have
>>> done cock all.
>>> Its done a fair few miles since the roll, some motorway, prolly
>>> getting on for near 1000 so i though that it would burnt any oil
>>> away by now.
>>> Any ideas?

>> Is it a turbo or NAD?

> Well done Nige, 200tdi.




Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover 101 GS/Ambi (Morph)
Honda XL650 Transalp (2005)

On or around Thu, 9 Nov 2006 19:05:30 -0000, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Mark Solesbury <mark_solesbury@tiscaliIWONDERIFTHISWORKS.co.uk> uttered
>summat worrerz funny about:

>> Could well be.. Whats the best way to tell if they are working then?
>> Or is it best to replace all 4.

>Check if the ends are hot when the relay goes off? though I don't know how
>hot they get so mind yer fingers don't stick to them.

best way to check glowplugs is to pull 'em out and connect 'em with fat wire
to 12V. the tip should get red hot pronto.

Mind, a decent TDi doesn't really need 'em, although it has been a mite
chilly recently.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"If you cannot mould yourself as you would wish, how can you expect
other people to be entirely to your liking?"
Thomas À Kempis (1380 - 1471) Imitation of Christ, I.xvi.

"Mark Solesbury" <mark_solesbury@tiscaliIWONDERIFTHISWORKS.co.uk> wrote in
message news:4rhacbFrc2jjU1@mid.individual.net...
> I'd like to investigate the smokeyness of my 90 after the ditch incedent.
> It somkes quite a bit of rank white smoke when you first start it up. When
> the engine is warm its fine. When it does 1st start it runs a tad rough.
> It sounds like my v8 when the dizzy is wet, missing a bit. (that means
> that the engine is misfiring, not that there is a bit of it missing! ;) )
> once it has warmed up a bit (once round the block) its fine.
> What do you recon is causing it? Ive been putting some of that fuel
> additive ****e in it for the last few tanks, but it seems to have done
> cock all.
> Its done a fair few miles since the roll, some motorway, prolly getting on
> for near 1000 so i though that it would burnt any oil away by now.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Mark
> 1990 90 200tdi - Smoking now its cold... :(
> 1987 RR V8 EFI - Sorn'd but sounding great
> http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ - Firefox Rules!
> http://fireftp.mozdev.org/ - FTP Plugin for Firefox
> http://ietab.mozdev.org/ - IE tab. Get Windows updates in Firefox

Kato is up to the same trick plus while cold he coughs out a cloud on the
overrun - which to me says unburn fuel ( not rings he's not blowing any
pressure from the oil filler in fact slight vacuum) I'm waiting for some
replacement injectors having put new heater plugs in as a precaution.

Kato 200 TDi Disco


"Mark Solesbury" <mark_solesbury@tiscaliIWONDERIFTHISWORKS.co.uk> wrote in
message news:4rp2esFsghnoU1@mid.individual.net...
> So it looks like injectors then. After talking to someone at work, they
> recon that they have to be primed and pressurised after replacement.
> Is this true?
> Are they easy to change?
> --
> Mark
> 1990 90 200tdi - Smoking now its cold... :(
> 1987 RR V8 EFI - Sorn'd but sounding great
> http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ - Firefox Rules!
> http://fireftp.mozdev.org/ - FTP Plugin for Firefox
> http://ietab.mozdev.org/ - IE tab. Get Windows updates in Firefox

Done em this morning seems ok so far but a serious cold start tomoro am will
tell all.. Pressurised and what ? no mention of that in the LR Workshop
Manual needless to say I didn't but ask the diesel specialist to be sure.
If you are lucky it may only be one or two that are being awkward and its
easy peasy to find out which armed with a spanner and a good piece of
absorbant cloth. Fire her up and adjust the throttle ( do it the easy way
take up the slack with the cable adjuster nut ) for a fast idle- Kato at
this point was showing an obvious misfire and smoking like Lily Savage, then
pop your cloth around the injector and pipe coupling and slacken off
slightly. Doesn't need to come right off- the cloth is there cos it will
spit! check it is doing. If its a good one the engine will falter slightly
try the others until you find the ones (fingers crossed one ) that don't
affect the revs which will be the one(s) to take out and run to your diesel
guy for refettling I was quoted £27 each which I reckon is quite a decent
price.When you put them back in make sure the hole is clean put new copper
washers (about 4 for a quid plus vat ) on with the concave side toward the
injector WSM says use a bit of grease so they stick to the injector to make
it easy to slip em in ( I won't tell you what the Haynes book of fun says
lol ) nip up the collar etc etc
You might want to get some of the thin overflow piping to replace the old
stuff as it tends to perish and will happily drip your precious diesel away
unseen after being disturbed.
One other thing after you have replaced them don't panic there will be
accumulated crud still there so its likely to smoke for a bit a good run to
clear it out isnt a bad idea and hopefully Robert is your fathers brother.



Mark Solesbury wrote:
> So it looks like injectors then. After talking to someone at work, they
> recon that they have to be primed and pressurised after replacement.
> Is this true?
> Are they easy to change?

easy on the non-turbo so prob easy on yours. hardest bit is fishing the
washers out of the bottom of the hole if they decide to stick! (make
sure you get new washers when you get the injectors done)

you can bleed/prime them by just leaving the connectors on them loose
then cranking the engine and tightening them up finally while doing so.


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