Down on that side of the engine is thr EGR valve and there could be an exhoust leak from that where it goes into the manfold or even s tubbo exhaust leak just take it back and tell them to give u a car while they fix it if they dont go to fair trading or consumer affairs or even report them to a motor trader association for sellin a dangerous car
The only advice you need is take it back to the dealer. I have seen a couple of reports of Range Rovers catching fire, it might be dangerous.
I can only add what I told the person with a 2 year old, still under warranty, vehicle , yesterday or the day before. It is still under warranty, any faffing about , can quickly void your warranty.
Take it back, let them do what they do and let them speak 'jargon' to you. You have paid them a lot of money to ensure you don't have to do spannering yourself. If you do not understand the jargon, ask them to explain, in layman's terms.
As for expecting the members of the site to guess what it could be. Really? If you took ill, would you ask people , on the internet, to guess what was wrong with you, with a vague description? No? Well vehicles these days are almost as , in some cases more, complicated than the human body. In a couple of years( not ten, that's wishful thinking by you), when you are out of warranty, the site will still be here. If you still have your Range Rover, you will, by then, have realised just how much the site is needed.
In the meantime, enjoy your almost new Range Rover, and the fact you don't have to pay for repairs, or work on it yourself. These are indeed the glory days :D
Hi all

I've just bought a RR vogue se 2018 from a local dealership and noticed that after going on a 30 minute drive there was smoke coming from the front, I popped the hood and it was originating from the passenger side by the windscreen near the back of the plastic cover (right side at the back as you're looking into the engine bay) do you guys have any ideas what might be causing this? I've got a vid of this if that helps, I called lr and they suggested to call the assistance number but then the smoke dissipated so didnt bother ... I thought nothing of it but its happened again tonight when I pulled up at home I noticed smoke coming from the front where the lights were shining in the dark so could see it, I then lifted the lid but couldn't see anything.. BTW its got 4000 miles on the clock and was an ex demonstrator... Thanks, Den

It's a tdv6 automatic..
Hi I had some thing very similar but was never able to get to the bottom of it , mine started one morning when I popped the bonnet to top up the washer bottle , some rain water drained through proper Channels next thing i no I have got steam / smoke coming from the back of the battery area , it lasted for about 10seconds then stopped, checked battery and all leads plus removed battery checked all the wires nothing did the same inside the car by removing several panels from the dashboard and nothing , it happened again when I reconnected the battery , so at this point I decided to let a landrover specialist have a look as I feared I had a short but they could not find any thing , has not done it since but I would be interested to know if you ever find out what has caused yours as it sounds very similar
Just for kicks I went over to the Land Rover dealership
To just have a look at newer range rovers and the prices
Went on a Sunday so not to be bothered
They were out of my price range at 97000$
There were a few at 65000$
Guess those don’t have air
Under warranty means it ain't your problem OP. Take it back, they fix. It won't last long and you'll miss it when it's gone.
Or a Classic, but it won't have any cup-holders let alone Wammers auto tampon remover :rolleyes:
Didn't the classic have cup holders in the reverse of the cubby box lid? I ask cos mine fell oft pretty much straight away.

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