
New Member
Hi All

I have a Freelander TD4 (2004) and have recently noticed a small amount of white smoke coming from under the bonnet when stationary after a short journey. It has an odour but it isnt offensive? Has anyone any ideas what it could be? We have had a number of frosty mornings followed by warm bright sunshine, could it be due to the temperature changing so quickly?

The car runs fine other than that, slightly concerned as im due to do a long journey in it at the weekend and dont want any mishaps!

Thanks for any replies
Have you actually lifted the bonnet and had a look? Or just posted on here looking for a miracle answer?
I found the story line was pretty crap.:eek::p

Gave a blind friend of mine a cheese grater the other day, said it the best book he ever read.

"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life"

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