It is in the Saga link you provided in your earlier post, reg number of the uninsured drivers vehicle needs to be provided to your insurance company
Oh so it does and even in bold print, just shows I never read Insurance T&C s, :( I have protected NCB so looks like I have to just pay the £150 excess that I have with the disco.

A bit of an insurance company 'get out' I think, not every one has a camera ready to capture a photo of the escaping vehicle, a dash cam could be helpful as it will show the other vehicle pulling out but it's 50 50 if it also captured the reg number.
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Contact ALL local breakers as they will either be part hunting or scrapping, reward for details.

Body can be hid in their crushed car
Contact ALL local breakers as they will either be part hunting or scrapping, reward for details.

Body can be hid in their crushed car
With scum like that the car's possibly nicked on false plate and will get dumped and another one nicked to replace it or some poor sod will find the front end of their car ripped off for the bits. Can't see them buying bits to fix it.
They need horse whipping.
Get yourself as much publicity as possible
local papers, Faceache, social media can be a wonderful tool.
Make up a sob story about how you cant afford to feed your rabbits (doesn't need to be rabbits) at this time of year etc etc
Tug on the old heart strings.
You never know, someone might have it parked outside there house
Cheers for all the support and ideas. Definitely phoney plates, Tax Checker comes back as a white Ford. I’ll leave it with the Met for a few days, it’s a busy road (Lee High Road / A20) so maybe picked up on CCTV somewhere. Have good experience with the police generally so have some faith. Don’t have any social media stuff so the rabbits will have to go hungry!

Really appreciate the support here... good wishes to all of you.
I have protected NCB so looks like I have to just pay the £150 excess that I have with the disco.
...And even that needs looking at closely too - mine went up after a 50:50 prang (it wasn't 50:50 at all, but no witnesses to say otherwise) and when I queried it they said it's protected from going up as much as it would have done if it wasn't protected. Weasels.
What they mean is I didn't loose all my NCB. I'm sure it's in the small print, but they certainly don't make it clear when you're buying the policy. I'll be checking next time though!
You rant away - my wife and I were rammed deliberately on a roundabout outside St Albans a few years ago. A really nasty incident and I had to call the policed who turned up, and after a discussion with the other driver, then cautioned me for assault (he said I'd hit him and knocked him down) and also for using racist language. After talking to him again, he retracted his allegations. I had a white-van driver and an off duty police officer as witnesses. My insurance company did not talk to them and the following year, when my renewal came, I questioned the hike in price and was told they'd paid the other party £15,000 in medical damages and attributed 50% of accident to me. No consultation, no objection, no fight, just caved in and without informing me. When I persisted, the insurance company acknowledged that some three weeks after the incident, the other party had produced an independent witness who just happened to be one of his neighbours. I'm still ranting!!!!!! You chase 'em all you can - police and insurance!
One I sticks on mee’s window.............I haven’t a clue I have 3 all different makes but they all work ok to me that’s all that matters
I also use dashcams. Thought it was going to be the only evidence as to why I was killed by a 40ft'er on Wednesday! Thankfully he regained control of veh but footage has been sent to his company. Had a hard fight with my conscience reporting him just before Christmas. Until I realised he could've killed any of us on road near him, including himself and instead of taking the warning from the wet roads gods , he regained control and disappeared off into the distance............. meaning he continued speeding, as I was sat at speed limit.
Any way back to OP, rant on, you deserve to. Are you local to incident area? If so a drive around the 'usual' abandon spots may find vehicle and cops can grab it and maybe get something from it? Or at least get a stolen vehicle with false plates off the road.
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Balance your total repair against your insurance excess added to a possible ins increase next renewal, or stick it to ins. company, and have it repaired well, it is why we have ins.

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