
Hi Everybody

Whilst underneath finishing the brake pipe renewal, also all air springs at the same time i noticed a small diameter plastic tube runs from the auto gearbox area upto the bulkhead (terminates with a black plastic cap) but does not seem to connect to anything , so any ideas please?

What diameter? If it's 6mm with a hooked over end it's a breather. Breathers cannot breathe with plastic caps on them surprisingly.
I would say it is clear plastic sheathed in black plastic about 6mm as you say, seems to come from the gear selection lever on the auto box, maybe the black cap is a i way valve?

I would say it is clear plastic sheathed in black plastic about 6mm as you say, seems to come from the gear selection lever on the auto box, maybe the black cap is a i way valve?


Maybe it is but i have never seen one fitted. They have always been open. It has to allow hot air out and when the box cools allow air back in.
It comes off the xyz switch ( tells the car what gear the auto box is in ) had to replace mine after I had a new box fitted
I had a better look , terminates adjacent to the auto gearbox selector switch, doe anyone know how it attaches?


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