
I'm a bit of a weekend mechanic (although I also build 7.25" steam
locomotives as a hobby), so a couple of weeks ago, putting a new
crossmember (with extensions) on the Defender 110 CSW was more than I
had done in a while.

Anyway, Reggie the Veggie flew through the MOT today, with no
advisory's on my welding at all!


Thanks for all the assistance given by the group on this.




"puffernutter" <peter@puffer-nutter.co.uk> wrote in message
> I'm a bit of a weekend mechanic (although I also build 7.25" steam
> locomotives as a hobby), so a couple of weeks ago, putting a new
> crossmember (with extensions) on the Defender 110 CSW was more than I
> had done in a while.

Could you give me an idea as to how much of a problem it is and whether you
remove much to access the rear x member.
Mine has a hole about size of fifty pence in it but all the rest is sound

110 98 CSW

John H

Hirsty's wrote:
> "puffernutter" <peter@puffer-nutter.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:1162227221.475521.252150@m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com...
>>I'm a bit of a weekend mechanic (although I also build 7.25" steam
>>locomotives as a hobby), so a couple of weeks ago, putting a new
>>crossmember (with extensions) on the Defender 110 CSW was more than I
>>had done in a while.

> Could you give me an idea as to how much of a problem it is and whether you
> remove much to access the rear x member.
> Mine has a hole about size of fifty pence in it but all the rest is sound
> 110 98 CSW
> John H
> Tia


It took my son and I three days (elapsed) probably 1.5 days working to
replace the crossmember. It is not a minor task, but at the same time
it is not a huge task, there's just a lot to do!

If you can repair it in situ, then I would do that, however it was only
when I removed the crossmember that I could see exactly how rotten it
was and that in fact it was a lot worse than I though it was. You may
want to have a close look at yours before you spend time on the what
might be a nugatory repair.

If you want a blow by blow account, contact me off group and I'll send
you an e-mail.


puffernutter wrote:

|| It is not a minor task, but at the same
|| time it is not a huge task, there's just a lot to do!

A lot to do - that's how I define a huge task :)


Take out the obvious to email me.

In message <1162227221.475521.252150@m73g2000cwd.googlegroups.com>
"puffernutter" <peter@puffer-nutter.co.uk> wrote:

> I'm a bit of a weekend mechanic (although I also build 7.25" steam
> locomotives as a hobby), so a couple of weeks ago, putting a new
> crossmember (with extensions) on the Defender 110 CSW was more than I
> had done in a while.
> Anyway, Reggie the Veggie flew through the MOT today, with no
> advisory's on my welding at all!
> Result!
> Thanks for all the assistance given by the group on this.
> Cheers
> Peter

I expect Reggie and steam locomotives have got together.....
you wouldn't have a boiler test in the offing perchance.... ;-)


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On or around 30 Oct 2006 08:53:41 -0800, "puffernutter"
<peter@puffer-nutter.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:

>I'm a bit of a weekend mechanic (although I also build 7.25" steam
>locomotives as a hobby), so a couple of weeks ago, putting a new
>crossmember (with extensions) on the Defender 110 CSW was more than I
>had done in a while.
>Anyway, Reggie the Veggie flew through the MOT today, with no
>advisory's on my welding at all!

Well done. I envy you the minirailways, always fancied building one of them
around here, although to be honest, I doubt it'd merit live steam, bearing
in mind the amount of work invovled.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt"
(confound the men who have made our remarks before us.)
Aelius Donatus (4th Cent.) [St. Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes]

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