all the usual suspects + a couple of not so usual :D

i spent most of the day the **** am i gonna fix my landy ! and puttin my fingers in my ears from drew fm !
Once again Boomer and DV give us a good days logging - oops laning.

Thanks for letting us tag along. If sat was anything to go by, might need a minibus next time. Anyone got a 130?
bbc1 just now on home servicing - " if yu do home servicing and dont to it prooerly, you can have problems like a cambelt fail, which can ve very expensive". How did he know?
Mornin all,

Twas a good day out and good to drive some lanes, most of which were new to everyone. Have got a couple of pics on my camera (I think) but not uploaded yet. Great pics from those that bothered so far.

I hope everyone is impressed that I'm expanding my range of skills, and started breaking furniture anorl now :doh::doh:. Makes a change though, didn't manage to break the landy :D:D:D

Hey Daft, Yu sure I got yur camera, I haven't seen it in the motor. Where do yu think yu left it????

Sure its not in Drews car after the tow back????????
i thought it was stuffed into one of the packets on the back of the seats.

bugger - mite have lost it then :(.

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