andrew j

New Member
once upon a time , :rolleyes: , right here goes suspension dropped ok , bought hawkeye :eek:, checked for faults came back as 4133 rr sls sensor out of range ground or power ?????, i am assuming the ride height sensor is dead, I can pump the suspension up using the hawkeye so the comp works ok , i have "counts" !?!? on both side's, lr 100+ rr only 34 ? . the left sensor show's 5v the right 000000 , i have power of 3.18v at both valve plugs in the compressor box , have not taken sensor off (yet) as i have no idea how to check it ?, i.e. ohms resistance :confused:
you can't check it with multimeter cos they work on inductive "hall" effect... if it shows faulty on diagnostics replace it with a new one, they are kind'a service items and not very expensive(dont forget to disconnect the battery first)

the fact that you see different values on the height reading it's irrelevant as long as the car sat on level before and the sensor's output is wrong now
cheers Sierrafery,

I will change it as suggested , will i have to have it calibrated after i fit a new one

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