Hi all, I hope someone could offer advice. I recently purchased my first Discovery 2 and love it however I needed to replaced the air springs however on one side the airline pops out when bag is fully inflated and I cannot work out why? The top connectors are just push fit, the units I removed had a collar to push in to remove the airline. Has anyone else experienced this? How can I rectify it?
Did you cut the olive off the pipe when changing the airbag?
If not you need to get a nice sharp knife and cut a small amount off the pipe as close to 90 degrees straight across the pipe to give a clean end to insert in the hole (oooh Matron!).

The other thing is what brand are/is the bag(s)? There are cheap (for a reason) versions on the market... the only ones I (and most others in the D2 world) rate are either Dunlop or Contitech.

If it’s one of these two brands and the pipe is clean cut then it’s potentially the bag fitting that’s at fault and you need to talk to your supplier about a replacement.
P.s. Just a polite pointer, in future, you’re better posting in the discovery section of the forum and tagging it as a D2 post (when you name it) as it will be more likely to be seen by people that know more about your vehicle/problem.
Did you cut the olive off the pipe when changing the airbag?
If not you need to get a nice sharp knife and cut a small amount off the pipe as close to 90 degrees straight across the pipe to give a clean end to insert in the hole (oooh Matron!).

The other thing is what brand are/is the bag(s)? There are cheap (for a reason) versions on the market... the only ones I (and most others in the D2 world) rate are either Dunlop or Contitech.

If it’s one of these two brands and the pipe is clean cut then it’s potentially the bag fitting that’s at fault and you need to talk to your supplier about a replacement.

They are Contitech. I did not need to cut the old lines as the collar type fitting allowed me to remove without cutting it. How far in should the pipe go? The one on the side that keeps popping off has a raised ring so I can only push it in so far, is that right? Thanks.
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