
New Member
Hi everyone, I just stumbled across your site and am having a good time looking around. I have a series 2 Discovery and was looking to see if the series 3 had been released over there yet. You see I live in Australia and am hanging for the release here, supposed to be November. I sell and install Manufactured homes here, the kind that are built in a factory and then split down the middle and transported by truck and installed onsite. A lot of my work is on farms and stations in country New South Wales and I travel about 10,000 klm per month over all kinds of roads and paddocks and under all kinds of conditions and after driving land crusiers for the past 10 yrs I have got to tell you that I am a complete convert to Land Rover. I am not sure how much I can contribute to your site from over here but if anyone would like to talk to an aussie
Landroverphile I would like to hear from you.
My best to you all...... Skuzy
Hy scuzy,
Welcome to the Landyzone. Good to hear from you, but I absolutly must raise an eyebrow about your comments on Land Cruisers. :eek: The words of John McEnroe spring to mind..............
Comeback in another ten years and see if you feel the same.
Cruisermik. ;) ;)
Thanks for the welcome guy's, Hey Cruisermik I still have an old 60 series,with high lift kit, 200 litre fuel tank, power take off winch and a 6.2 litre V8 G.M. diesel motor, clocked up almost 400,000 klms, my son drives it now, just cant seem to bring myself to get rid of it...... but I know which I would rather drive on a round Australia trip ........... now for a series 3 disco......sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
garybrun said:
HI Skuzy.... and greetings from Norway in Scandinavia.
I will be Australia in March to do some filming :)
Hey garybrun...... what will you be filming and where??? oh and if I was a good speller what would my wife have to do????? hahahaha
Hey skuzy,
Now you're talking my language mate, I'm drooling at the description.:eek: Maybe you should introduce your son to this list, the two of us might give this lot some real pain.
Take care.
Cruisermik. ;) ;)
Hey Cruisermik, sure , why not, with the amount of pain my son gives me why should I be the only one to get all the fun..... catchya

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