
Well-Known Member
Has anybody got a six pot that they can measure something off of? I cut the bracket off to remove the engine tie rod when I took my chassis apart, expecting that there would be a welded on lug on the replacement chassis. Oops!
I have managed to get a NOS bolt on version and am looking for a measurement that would allow me to drill the hole to mount it.
I have plenty pictures but none I could measure or estimate accurately from. This is the tie rod I mean.
My chassis is sitting there, mark on the photo where you want the measurements taken, I'm in there working tomorrow

Ideally a picture of a tape measure or rule between the inside of the chassis rail to the centre of the tie rod bolt or just the measurement of same. I have plenty pics of the tie rod but didn't realise it would be another bracket that was bolt on but had been a welded lug on the original!

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