You know what you have a "small" problem and you start searching around and you find what you think is the cause which turns out to be a whole lot more [expensive] than expected?

I have had a small judder that I could feel through my seat in my 54 plate when I went around sharp right hand corners which I thought was something lose in the seat. It has been there for a couple of years, but lately has been getting worse (less sharp corners causing it) and now starting on left hand corners too.

I thought it was something lose in the seat. I had a couple of looks but could not find anything. Today I thought "I will post something to ask the knowledgeable bods on here", but did a search first. It would appear that most of the cause of a judder going around a corner is caused by a dodgy VCU. Does this sound about right? I will have a look see when I get home, but if it needs replacing, that might be the end of my Landie as the wife is already complaining about the cost of running it (Diesel, Tax etc)..... Getting rid of the Landie is cheap than getting rid of the wife, but I would quite like to keep both if I can.

Any thoughts/ideas (not involving the wife)!
How do I test it. I have just had a look underneath and it all looks good. The rubbers on the bearings don't look great so could it be them instead (and if so, is there a way to check these)?

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Have the tyres always been as per LR recommendations? So same tyres all round with least worn on the rear?
Do the 1 Wheel Up Test to check for VCU stiffening.
First of all. Do you think it is likely that it is the VCU (not simply a seat problem)? Secondly, will it be the VCU or the bearings (or do you normally change both anyway)? I will have to try and do the one wheel test in the next day or two.
Does it feel like the brakes are on when you reverse?
Take it into a car park and do full lock left forward a couple of circles, then right. Then repeat in reverse.
If it skips in both forward directions constantly and feels like the brakes are on going backwards, it probably the vcu.
If not it could be a worn drive shaft/s
It's very unlikely to be the seat. It's most likely to be a drive component. The VCU is the number one suspect.
Does it feel like the brakes are on when you reverse?
Take it into a car park and do full lock left forward a couple of circles, then right. Then repeat in reverse.
If it skips in both forward directions constantly and feels like the brakes are on going backwards, it probably the vcu.
If not it could be a worn drive shaft/s

Reversing is fine. I will try the carpark test.
If it is the vcu and your on a budget don't worry because you can just remove the prop. This obviously makes a 2wd and you won't be able to use it off road. You will also have to notify your insurance of the modification. If it is knackered you will also see a nice increase to the mpg too. So you can keep the landy and your wife. Happy days!!
Most likely the vcu bearingsrubber mounts,


I had a similar noise / rotational knocking when cornering. If it's like mine, get underneath, grab the prop and pull it about. I could replicate the knocking with little effort. Rubbers were shot.

It's worth checking the vcu of course, but likely the bearings for the noise.

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