
New Member
I have just joined this forum after spending some time trawling through some of the previous posts picking up tips and a small understanding of how these discovery beasts work (and how they often don't work) I have a few questions for all the experienced Discovery owners here.

Firstly some basic info about me...
Current 2006 Freelander owner but finance per month is crippling me so I have sold it. It is my second Freelander, both bought new.
Single female with little technical knowledge about cars, I am by no means a woman who can only put petrol in the car and thats it but I certainly couldnt change a clutch myself. No man in my life to help with maintainence so I will be using a local Landrover specialist independant garage.
Aged 30.
Live in South Wales.

I have made the decision to get Discovery as the Freelander is too small anyway, I have £2000 cash to spend, I am thinking I can get one on a M or N plate for that money. I also definately want a diesel. Am I mad, are they too much hassle for me to take on? I have read lots of things about rusting boot floors and dodgy clunky gearboxes. What do I need to look out for? Will it matter that it will have 100,000 ish on the clock? I have been looking at ebay, autotrader, adtrader and local car sales, there seem to be some good ones but I am just to s**t scared to buy anything just in case I buy a dogdy one. If I get one off a dealer should I buy a warranty, if there is the option to buy one? What about spec, some have leather and some have 7 seats, is there any model that I should look out for?

Here is what I have been looking at today.....
1994 L Reg LAND ROVER Discovery 300 Tdi S

Auto Trader Dealer Pages - Plev Garages

it is older than I would have liked but the pics look good.

I apologise for the long post and lastly hello to all members, thanks in advance for any assistance.

I have just joined this forum after spending some time trawling through some of the previous posts picking up tips and a small understanding of how these discovery beasts work (and how they often don't work) I have a few questions for all the experienced Discovery owners here.

Firstly some basic info about me...
Current 2006 Freelander owner but finance per month is crippling me so I have sold it. It is my second Freelander, both bought new.
Single female with little technical knowledge about cars, I am by no means a woman who can only put petrol in the car and thats it but I certainly couldnt change a clutch myself. No man in my life to help with maintainence so I will be using a local Landrover specialist independant garage.
Aged 30.
Live in South Wales.

I have made the decision to get Discovery as the Freelander is too small anyway, I have £2000 cash to spend, I am thinking I can get one on a M or N plate for that money. I also definately want a diesel. Am I mad, are they too much hassle for me to take on? I have read lots of things about rusting boot floors and dodgy clunky gearboxes. What do I need to look out for? Will it matter that it will have 100,000 ish on the clock? I have been looking at ebay, autotrader, adtrader and local car sales, there seem to be some good ones but I am just to s**t scared to buy anything just in case I buy a dogdy one. If I get one off a dealer should I buy a warranty, if there is the option to buy one? What about spec, some have leather and some have 7 seats, is there any model that I should look out for?

Here is what I have been looking at today.....
1994 L Reg LAND ROVER Discovery 300 Tdi S

Auto Trader Dealer Pages - Plev Garages

it is older than I would have liked but the pics look good.

I apologise for the long post and lastly hello to all members, thanks in advance for any assistance.


Hi Donna, hi & welcome, before we go too far down the road, why do you want a Disco? It's not intended to be an impertinent question, but a realistic one. They are generally, slow, rusty, requiring repairs and frustrating - is this what you want/need? Do you really need a 4x4/towing vehicle? If the answer is yes, absolutely, I'm going into this with my eyes wide open, then on we go !!:D

For £2000 you will be able to buy a Tdi 300 Disco, but it will be 10 - 14 yrs old - what does that tell you about it's maintainance/repair requirements.

These older cars are a viable proposition IF you can do a lot of the work yourself - if it's going to be garage maintained, be VERY careful when you buy.

I'm not trying to put you off, but Landys are a hobby not just a means of transport.
but, but, but she currently has a HIPPOO!!!!!!!

anythings betterer than that - shirley?

oh - and welcome to Looneyzone, yung lady.
hi donna and welcome tae the mad hoose. that disco looks alright. 2k for an l reg is a bit steep but it is from a dealer. if you go private you should be able to pick up an m or an n reg for your money quite easily. the main thing to look out for is a rusty boot floor and rusty seatbelt mountings. apart from that, just make sure it runs alright.
Thanks all so far for the ultra quick responses. I am after a Disco (I am slowly getting the Landy Slang I think) as I tow several things, erde trailer, trailer tent and small horse box. The space inside also appeals to be greatly as the Freelander boot space simply isnt big enough for me and I am sure I could do without the trailer on occasions if the boot was bigger. I think it is the rust thing that bothers me most, I have seen some ads for an M or N reg ones that are nearer the £1500 mark but the back bumpers are all rusty and there are bubbles around the wheel arches so I would be prepared to spend that little bit extra for a visually rust free one but what is going on underneath I wont have the knowledge or experience to be able to tell.
hi donna as yella says lookin the boot floor you may have to move the carpet get the dealer to do it for you also check the rear cross members and the inner seals and the inner wings ive seen them where you can put your hand through ............. is he dealer offering you any warrantee with this disco ???
drive it check everything !!
ohh and welcome !!!!!!!!!
the bubbles on the wheel arches are oxidization, not rust. the panels are aluminium so they dont technically rust. rear bumers are exposed to the elements and are easily replaced. dont walk away until you have looked under the boot carpet ;)
No there hasnt been a warranty offered, I will try and bargin for one but if push comes to shove should I buy one. I hope to negotiate a 3 month one throw in, do you think that is reasonable?
most defently for the money hes asking i would say he should put atleast 3 months on it for you
dont worry too much about a warranty from a second hand car salesman, they usually aint worth the paper they are written on
use it to your advantage, offer him 1500 cash, he'll biteyour arm off if he has anything about him
hi yella for the sort of money he want for it it should have at least 3 months warentee on it plus it does give you a little bit of a legal edge if its in writing
like i said, why ask for extras to make it upto the money he wants. just offer him less money as it is
have yu ever read a warranty that they "give" you with a second hand car??
Yis they only cover stuff that won't bust in a brazillion years. You have a certain amount of cover with the fit for purpose legal malarky.
yes i know its complicated mines just ran out .......
still the way i treat the old girl they would of proberly laffed at me if i tried to claim !!!!!!!!!
but just remember you know what these car sales people are like espically a lone young lady !!!!!
wtf are you lot like?

one mention of single female and yer all out with splashing the Hi karate about and trying to impress.

.. so yer in s wales are yer. i'lll be passing that way next week , do you fancy takin me fer a drink and a posh meal?
You already have 3 months under the tradin standards act thingymedoffer so when they say yer gettin a 3 month warrent there fillin yer full o ****e!
If you are buying privatly take someone along who knows a thing or six about engines/Landies in general to have a look at it.

I didn't and six months after buying an M reg Disco for £1500 I've had to replace fuel pump, £250, major work on pistons, £650 and replace propshaft rubber coupling, £100.

This takes total money spent to £2500, I could have bought a decent P plate for that and not had the hassle of 2 trips to Landy garage and having to call out Tesco breakdown recovery!

Hopefully it's all been sorted now, unfortunatly only time will tell..... :(

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