The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
I gotta change the rear shock bushes on the Disco. on one of the shocks. the bottom bushes are so nacked, the shock canm be moved up n down by hand. tried undoing the bottom nut and its stuck fast.

How do you hold the shock tight enough to undo that bottom nut?
I tried mole grip, ratchet strap, stilsons - all to no avail - it either slips around the shock or you can t get it to clamp properly except on the main shock body and that risks crushing the shock. I dont want to cut off the nut and I dont want to use heat otherwise, if unsuccessful, I will have burnt bottom bushes to add to my problems.

Any ideas?
what do you use?
Tiz a bit difficult holding the stilsons and trying to undo the nut. I had thought of a nut splitter but I ain't got one and I ain't sure that it would fit.

Does anyone make any locking stilsons? I don't want to bugger the shock.
Tiz a bit difficult holding the stilsons and trying to undo the nut. I had thought of a nut splitter but I ain't got one and I ain't sure that it would fit.

Does anyone make any locking stilsons? I don't want to bugger the shock.

Turn shock and stilsons untill it can lock on too something then you have free hands
I had the same problem. Ended up drilling the nut almost all the way through, then getting a small chisel in there and smacking it one. Didint get it off, but broke it open enough to be turned easily. I couldn't get stilsons to work even with someone else holding them.
Int there a flat on the threads below the nut that you can get Mole grips on to or is it too rusty:)
I tried stilsons and rat**** strap with Sniffs holding them and me trying the nut, without any success. Tried mole grips and they just rounded the flats.Part of the problem is that the lower bush is so fecked, the shock can be moved up & down, and can spin like a feckin' top :(.
Cut the nut ... dremel is easiest but takes a while, only need one cut, then chisel it off.
Cut the bush out then get the mole grips in.
You are replacing the bush anyway if it still dosnt come off then you will prob have to replace the shock anyway.
Get chain type oil filter wrench on the smallest setting that should do it , I would think your using undersized stilsons a good size would only be open half way if your set is vertuly fully open they are undersized .
Choice number one is a nut splitter. Choice number 2 is an intact fan belt wrapped around the shocker and then with a short knuckle bar/tommy bar etc threaded through the ends and then twisted until tight.
Choice number one is a nut splitter. Choice number 2 is an intact fan belt wrapped around the shocker and then with a short knuckle bar/tommy bar etc threaded through the ends and then twisted until tight.

Ratty good but what a waste of a good spare belt ;) ;)
Ratty good but what a waste of a good spare belt ;) ;)

If you change yer fan belt regularly you can always sling an old un in yer tool box just in case or for situations such as that described. Old fan belts can be worth more as a specialist tool than as a belt.

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