Im seriously hoping after TWICE now that i've been cancelled to go to Silverdale at the last minute that im actually gonna make this one.

Im looking forward to it, looks like another great site! :)
just up the road, dont think i can make it tho disco being in peices, brassick and english winter fair is on with young farmers
I'm still on target!

Bit of a midweek disaster trying to fit a heated windscreen, but it's now all sorted.

As long as nothing breaks between now and Sunday I'll be there :)
No docs required, although you need to "sign for" ie declare that your car is road legal etc.

I'll be going after work, so will be there somewhere around 11-12am.
You mean how difficult? Its as easy or difficult as you want it to be. I'm expecting it to be very muddy and wet, and to need to use my winch a few times but there's plenty of trees to attach to for that. If you get stuck, someone will get you out. If you're definitely coming, PM me your mobile and I'll give you a call once I'm there and I'll come over and say hello, etc.
i rebuilt my rear hubs today after discovering a leak last minute last night.

im all ready to go, will be there 9.30am ish (green disco with arches on 33s)

Just got back, it was a good day today. Good to catch up with Mr Noisy and The Bandit. It was very slippery today, I must have used my winch 20 times or so? After the morning in which I did approx 400 yds in 3 hours, we had a drivearound and actually drove using the wheels rather than the winch for a bit! Still managed to get stuck a few times though. Even some of the benign looking parts of the site can catch you out and send you in all directions except the one you want to travel in. Luckily, we all made it out safe and without too much damage. I didn't take pics but I think a few exist somewhere...
yep, a very good day had by me and girlfriend :)

it was almost ridiculously slippy!

had to get used to the fact that just getting around the basic flat areas was usually more difficult than actually driving something complex, but it was a totally new experience and i'll definitely be going again - i dont feel like ive conquered it yet! :D

good to meet paul and bandit, recommend it to everyone else :D
Hi all

I was there with the harper adams lot! Mine was a green defender, white roof with bfg at's. Was a good day, really enjoyed it. Remember seeing you bob, the spare wheel carrier stuck in my mind! Got very stuck near the bottom and nearly went into a tree was a big recovery operation including 2 snapped ropes, very suprised i left without a bashed front wing!!!

Anybody got any pictures?

Cheers oli
did you get pulled out by a series woody?

i saw a defender (seem to remember it was black though???) and it got recovered from a tree by a series.

if it was you no i didnt get pics, sorry!

Yeah, I took approx 2½ hours to do 400 yards on that bottom section. A couple of months back, it was fine to drive with a few water features, now its a quagmire even a large tractor would struggle to cross! I tried about 10 times to drive up the easiest hill, unsuccessfully, then went the 'easy' way round via the pond and another muddy bit through the woods. May as well have had slicks on for all the side grip I got on the mud terrains, I even had to winch myself out of the ruts so I could get over to the alternate way out.
Hi all yes it was a slip slideing day ,but good fun,nice to meet you Paul & Sam must do it again some day ,got 2 short videos that I will load up when I can workout where and how
cheers Bob

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