Hi all,

Our old oil burner had started loosing power to the point that it kangaroos along. when more throttle applied the revs drop.

I got new fuel filter, took old filter off which was full of sludgyness so figured that's why she's not running right. purged the system of air. but she will not idle, and will just about run on full throttle, engine seems starved or is restricted. almost no power. I thought I ll keep it on full throttle whilst checking bleed bolts and unions etc thinking it would clear - no

I then removed new filter and checked seals and re bled/ purged system again incase id done something wrong ...same. At this point im thinking of putting a match to it!! I decided it must be injectors. All the injectors where loose, well not tight at any rate. I removed them and cleaned them up. I got to cold at this point to carry on. My task today is to see if she will run better. So my question I guess is if its not the injectors I don't know what to check next. Fuel pump? I guess I need to check the fuel tank and pick up hose? could the timing have gone out?

We got this S111 with the house we bought in September, PO didn't do much in the way of servicing by the state of the filter, tho to be faire he is 85!!

any ideas welcomed with open mind


Have you done a compression test? That would be the first thing I would do. You should be looking at a cylinder compression between 400 psi to 420 psi, make sure you use a diesel compression tester. If compression is less than 400 psi make sure the valve clearances are set correctly to 0.25 mm or 0.01 in. If the valves are set correctly and you still have low compression then it is time to take the head off and investigate further.
Had it run ok before? if so it does seem like a fuel restriction issue [ what sort of exhaust smoke?]
Given sludge in old filter check the fuel pick up and tank. Fuel lift pump, check by removing the outlet to filter pipe and pumping the lever. Should get a good squirt come out.
What sort of cleaning did you do to injectors?
Nice way to be gifted a landy , I would start from scratch drain off old diesel reserve for later
clean out inside of tank , clean pick up pipe. Put in new fuel .
check tappet gaps, pump injection timing, clean air filter, check butterfly flap adjusted and working in manifold and throttle linkages
Hi all,

Our old oil burner had started loosing power to the point that it kangaroos along. when more throttle applied the revs drop.

I got new fuel filter, took old filter off which was full of sludgyness so figured that's why she's not running right. purged the system of air. but she will not idle, and will just about run on full throttle, engine seems starved or is restricted. almost no power. I thought I ll keep it on full throttle whilst checking bleed bolts and unions etc thinking it would clear - no

I then removed new filter and checked seals and re bled/ purged system again incase id done something wrong ...same. At this point im thinking of putting a match to it!! I decided it must be injectors. All the injectors where loose, well not tight at any rate. I removed them and cleaned them up. I got to cold at this point to carry on. My task today is to see if she will run better. So my question I guess is if its not the injectors I don't know what to check next. Fuel pump? I guess I need to check the fuel tank and pick up hose? could the timing have gone out?

We got this S111 with the house we bought in September, PO didn't do much in the way of servicing by the state of the filter, tho to be faire he is 85!!

any ideas welcomed with open mind


If your fuel filter was full of crud, there is going to be quite bit of it left elsewhere in the system.
Try new fuel, change the filter again, looking for any further crud that has filled the filter housing.
Also, remove the injectors, take them for testing, and then refit using new washers, 4 copper, and 4 steel, making sure that all old washers are removed from the wells, and the new steel washers fitted the right way up.

Cleaning the outside of the injectors won't do much good, they need to be tested on a pop tester. And old washers won't work properly.

These are pretty simple, but like all diesels, not tolerant of poor fuel quality and little or no servicing.
Could also be air. Remove filter hose at the manifold and see if it improves. As suggested check kill lever is open. Crack each injector pipe in turn to check flow to injectors.
If no luck it’s on to checking full fuel delivery from tank to high pressure pump, pop test the injectors (you can get an idea of pattern if you just turn the heap over with an injector out).

You’ll sure get peed off with buying seal washers for those injectors. I know I did.
Sounds like you're suffering a fuel problem.. Either fuel starvation, meaning it wont deliver enough fuel to rev, or you're sucking in air as the fuel suction increases..
Start at the fuel tank pick-up. Check to see its clear, not blocked, check joints and work to the lift pump, then the filter housing.. Change filter, check Seals..
Prime the system check for leaks.. You'll see or feel any blockages this way.
If still a problem, rig up a gravity feed the system from the roof height, both with and without the lift pump..
eliminate the problems first.
It is unlikely to be injectors, if it was running before the spray pattern would not stop it reving, Injectors are pretty hardy.
Crack testing leak off pressures or spray patterns would not stop you gaining revs.
Problems will be on the low pressure fuel feed side. Check all the fuel line joints, filter housing and lift pump..
If still a problem, then you can move to the injector pump and the high pressure side..
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Diesel bug results in a black sludge that will clog things up.
As a Coastguard I was sent to inspect a large fishing vessel the Lifeboat had towed in. Found its tanks contaminated and an inch diameter fuel delivery pipe blocked!
I removed each injector, one had a seal missing. none of them were fully tightened down. They were coked up and blocked. so each got a clean and re fit.

She ran much better for about 30 sec. I kept bleeding, pump, injectors and at the filter. I eventually got her running sweet. so whatever it was cleared.

The pipe from the tank to the lift pump was loose too....how it ever ran before is beyond me.

thanks for the responses.

she back on blocks again tho - this time brakes. solid hoses from the flexi to the top cylinder is cracked, so all new going on

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