
New Member
I have just been looking through the for sale adds and saw at least 3 what I think are SIIs being sold as SIIAs. I may be getting a bit Anoraky but I am sure that the SIIA came into being due to a change in lighting regs in America in, I think The late sixties. The difference between the two is only the headlights, they moved them onto the wings.Sorry if I sound a bit pedantic. If Iv got it wrong please tell me.
hi johno
i have 1967 2a with the lights in the middle of the grill, i think its just a date thing as the 2a can also have the lights on the wings as the later 2a's did,
Refers t'the front panel. Old word apparently, fer that reason I thort you'd know it Slobbo.

Wuz a recent discussion aboot where it came from in one o' the mags. They reckon it's cuz if you hit something it's the bit that breaks first.

Yeah, either that or black pudding & rivnuts.
having did a bit of research i can tell you that the name comes from the fact that early landy driver's use to cook their breakfast on it.
you unhooked it from the landy, threw it on a fire then slapped yer bacon and sauages on it.
just aswell we dint have mince fer breakfast
Ive just read the vehicle id overview and now Im a bit wiser. I even know what a "breakfast" is. Cheers Lads.

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